The Duke of Woes

Are you referring to Wincest slash fiction? Ummmm….my friend may have read some of those…..

Because his mother was Joan Rivers and his father was Hulk Hogan.

None of that sounds appealing. Thanks for saving me from making that mistake. But no thanks for being the reason I will go another 4 months without sex.

"I make up for a low batting average by taking a lot of shots. Checkmate!"

What's more disturbing: Two brothers watching each other have sex or being turned on by the idea of brothers watching each other have sex? I'm ummmm….asking for a friend.
If the BRAHS brothers were Chris and Liam Hemsworth, would anybody else think that was hot? I - uh, I mean my friend - would definitely watch that.

Why no X-men?!?!? That was my favorite arcade game! It had slutty Storm fighting with a scepter. And B-list Dazzler who doesn't even have any right to be in an X-men video game, throwing weird pink bubbles that has nothing to do with her power to manipulate light. It was fantastic!

I'm no size queen, but it didn't look that big to me. Does anybody have the actual measurements? Keep in mind, the camera adds 5 pounds…..

I'd give Michael Fassbender a job……if you know what I mean….you do know what I mean, right?

There are like 100 lead actors in Age of Ultron, so isn't everyone's role pretty much relegated to a 2 minute cameo?

This was reminding me of The 100 too! Except Beth is actually less annoying and better looking than Clark.

Aren't most horror movies female-led? Isn't that where the term 'Scream Queens' came from?

I missed that part, but someone at work said the same thing, which makes things more confusing. So, does Beth know that the people who took her are the hospital people? They said they found her unconscious. When she split up from Daryl, how did she end up unconscious (assuming they're telling the truth)? If they were

Beth reminds me of the little blonde girl from Jurassic Park. I've always wanted to slap her too.

I waited the entire episode to find out what happened between the time Beth was taken by the people in the car and when these hospital people 'found' her on the side of the road. Did I miss something? Was that discussed at all? It seemed liked Beth wasn't even concerned with who took her and why. I kept waiting for a

In the very first episode of the 90's X-men cartoon, the first time we see Gambit is in the mall buying a deck of cards and flirting with the cashier. Then some Sentinels come looking for Jubilee and jack the place up. So yeah, he does buy a lot of cards. Kudos to Fox for making a children's cartoon that addresses

I always wondered why The Hardy Boys were jizzing on everything.

Calm down people. This is based on a novel by John le Carre. If its anything like Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, you will fall asleep within the first 5 minutes.

Horns has definitely been my favorite post-Potter Radcliffe. He still seemed like Harry to me in Woman in Black. Horns was the first time I looked at him and thought 'yeah, I'd tap that.' Oh…and his American accent was pretty decent.

That makes me glad I don't read the books

How were you able to even take your eyes off Radcliffe? He was killing it! And he is sooo pale he's practically albino….but I'd still hit it.