The Duke of Woes

This was pretty good. I liked it because it was different and unexpected. It probably helped that I didn't read any reviews or see any trailers prior to watching a screener of it. And Danielle Radcliffe. Damn. Never in a million years would I have guessed that little Harry Potter would grow up to be smokin' hot. And I

I think the guy playing Slade would have made a really good Ra's Al Ghul

I agree. I can't stand most child actors, but Maisie really grew on me. I think boy child actors seem to be worse than girls. Fucking Bran. That kid is awful. Like Z tier awful.

His abs are definitely A tier.

I think her being so young makes her replaceable. I don't read the books, so I'm not sure how old Arya is in the latest installment. I've been wondering if Arya will be aging at the same rate as Masie Williams or if she's already like 20 in the latest book. I've kind of been prepared for GoT to switch her out with an

Richard Gere in American Gigolo was the reason my shorts were always sticky in my tween days….

Everyone keeping Sara's death a secret from Lance is the most pointless arch. He's a freakin' side character that I expected to die 2 seasons ago. Giving his character a heart condition just so everyone can lie to him does what exactly? Lance still gets about 30 seconds of screen time. This hasn't done anything to

His eyeballs were so white! The contrasting red mask made his eyes pop even more…it looked like he didn't have pupils. They should have just kept him in jeans and a red hoodie.

Laurel is definitely not a strong female lead, but The Flash doesn't really have any either. Iris has no screen time and no chemistry with Barry. Kaitlin Snow, from what I've read, is eventually going to become Killer Frost. Can a female lead also be a villain? That might be interesting. I heard Linda Park will be

No way in hell would I imply that they kill off Felicity! That's crazy talk. She's the most valuable asset to the CW right now.
I meant Oliver letting her leave (not that he owns her) to go be with Barry. I'm picturing a big teary scene where they realize they can't be together and Felicity decides she can't move on

Well, I don't think the writer's did anything special to introduce her character to an audience that has no clue who she is. I actually didn't like Felicity Smoak in the beginning of Arrow (sorry, I was young and foolish…also, she showed up like 4-5 episodes in and I wasn't expecting her to be a regular, so I just

I agree that it would probably never happen, but I think Arrow letting Felicity go would be great for dramatic effect. They've established that she and Oliver will never be together. Is she going to stick around and pine for him the rest of her life? If you love something, let it go…..That would make for a great

Maybe they can redeem themselves by releasing shots of Dominic Cooper, Chad Michael Murray, and Enver Gjokaj shirtless….

I guess it comes down to your reading taste. I consider Flash to be a companion series to Arrow, not just a spinoff, like all those multiple CSI shows. To me, Flash/Arrow is like Vampire Diaries/The Originals. Things happen in one show that directly effects the other show. Or sometimes they may throw in an 'easter

But Felicity and Barry's chemistry (which I think they have, while others may argue that) was established on Arrow. And Felicity showing up in that smoakin' (pun intended) hot dress is uncharacteristic of her. How do you appreciate the humor in that if you don't know that about Felicity?

Actually, there's at least one other commentor who said the same thing. Scroll down a little. And that's just on the first page of comments. I haven't read all 700, but I have a feeling there might be others. And I care because I majored in Journalism and I'm picky about writing. By not watching Arrow, his review of

Fitz and Mack would make for a really awkward sex scene. Could you imagine if Fitz was the top? I'm thinking about it now and there's a weird feeling in my pants.

Right as Ward is redeemed, Simmons sticks a sword through his chest and sends him to a hell dimension. Whedon hasn't done that yet, right?

There is something about the way Wentworth Miller speaks and carries himself that comes off very effeminate to me in this episode. I know he's gay, but I never thought of him as a "femmie" before. Are they purposely trying to make Captain Cold a flamboyant homosexual? I'm ok with that. Maybe he can make out with the

Glad I'm not the only one commenting on that…..