The Duke of Woes

"It doesn’t even matter if you aren’t a regular Arrow viewer (and I’ll admit to having only seen a handful of episodes)"
I appreciate this reviewer's honesty, but that was a terrible admission. I stopped reading the review after that comment. I'm not sure I care for the opinions of someone who watches Flash, but not

I watched Odd Thomas the other day and thought it was an ok movie that would have been really good as a TV show. This post just made me think of that because 'diner cook that sees dead people' = 'fro-yo employee with telekinetic powers.' I think this could be good if done similarly to Odd Thomas.

She looks more like a murder victim.

Dear Diary,
When I was a teenager, I use to rent Greg Araki movies at Blockbuster as if they were porn. I'd look around to make sure no one could see me scoping out the cover. I'd rent another movie, usually something from the action section that I'd already seen or didn't even want to see, just so I could hide the

But then she got her ass kicked and everyone cheered, right?

She was the Scrappy Doo to Buffy's Scooby Gang.

Its a decent sci-fi show, but I would not describe it as “incredibly hot and attractive and filled with sexy sex.” Especially by CW standards. Arrow and Vampire Diaries - now those are shows with incredibly sexy people. The best part of The 100 is the quality of the older cast members and their storyline. Paige Turco,

Sarah Michelle Gellar's hair got better in season 7.

Putting Tahmoh Penikett in a trenchcoat….or any clothing for that matter, is a waste of Tahmoh Penikett.

I never knew Abigail Adams was the key to a hell dimension that some monks turned into a human. I really should have stayed awake in U.S. History.

Didn't she take an ice skate to the back of the head? I admit that she put up the best fight out of all of them, but to go out like that was really lame.

"Excercise produces endorphins. Endorphins make people happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands." - Elle Woods

I remember coming across 'Wincest fanfic' during my younger days when I was really into Buffy and Smallville fanfic. Whoa. Just whoa. I can't believe the number of people who fantasize about 2 brothers getting it on. Some of those stories were oddly well written too. The stories draw from the character development on

I would argue that Flash could not take down Deathstroke, especially Arrow's version. He's pretty badass. Flash's tactic to defeating The Mist in this episode was to run around and tire him out. Very un-badass. Deathstroke would pick that pretty boy twink up and snap him in half like a pretzel stick.

I want more shirtless Taylor Kitsch….if it means more John Carter, then I guess I'll have to deal with it.

Is it just me, or does Kyle McLachlan look a little Asian in this show? Which makes him even more believable as Skye's father. The actress is half Asian and I've been wondering if the show would make one of her parents Asian. (Smallville made Lana Lang's parents both white even though the actress was half Chinese).

I've never been a fan of super speed as a hero power and the end of this episode is the reason why. Flash keeps moving to tire out The Mist? That's it? Super speed is more of an offensive power and I think this show is going to struggle trying to figure out new ways in which Flash can defeat his foes.

I love the improbable, slapstick comedy element of this show, which they seem to be adding more of. The tear-away suit in last week's episode and the Eddie Murphy crying in this are prime examples of that. It reminds of 30 Rock and no show has been able to replicate that type of comedy yet.

Although it would be cool to have a bisexual character and maybe some man-on-man action, I don't want it to be between Fitz and Mac. Fitz and Simmons are too perfect together. I want a whole show just about them. Mac also looks like he would break Fitz in half if they ever tried to bang. Now, Mac and Ward….I can

The Geological Society is also giving Aronofsky an award for not using real rock monsters.