Gee, who’da thunk putting sugar in a gas tank could be so bad? I mean, it’s not like this used to be a fairly infamous form of vandalism, nosireebob.
Gee, who’da thunk putting sugar in a gas tank could be so bad? I mean, it’s not like this used to be a fairly infamous form of vandalism, nosireebob.
Also, somtimes if you come back to the page after leaving the tab open for too long in the background, it’ll appear to take stars away. It doesn’t, but it is sort of hilarious. Just refresh the page if you need to.
Hit the nail on the head, Dough.
This is the Star Wars article I needed, thanks man.
It used to be. Look up the Teapot Dome Scandal.
Which is why the right wing has such a hard on for destroying our educational system and making it as difficult as possible to pay for college.
Can’t argue with that logic, cause he certainly does look cooler that way.
Yeah, likewise. He’s easily one of the most unique designs among the earlier robot masters. Your take reminded me a bit of IDWs Transformers comics.
Love the Gutsman redesign.
Being one of the backers of Bloodstained, I’m really hoping it’s good. I played the backer demo sent out, and while the frame rate may have been...iffy (really early build) they nailed the controls and physics. So that at least isn’t screwed up, which is more than I can say for MNo.9. That also had the problem of…
I picked one of them up as a kid expecting a platformer, and was sorely disappointed when it wasn’t. I’ll happily give it another shot, though, if they make a new one.
Ok. Now I gotta look out my window for flying pigs. This is a sign of the apocalypse.
Based badly, I might add. These days, comics are lettered with many different custom “comic book” fonts, and all of them look better than comic sans, I might add. And actually look at DKR or Watchmen. There is a world of difference from Comic Sans and that.
Vader has variants. You could sell his New Hope/Rebels look (red lenses in the eyes) him battle damaged, etc. Hell, Fett has them too. His original animated color scheme, his original concept art colors, for example. Hell, they put the concept version of him in the last Lego game.
Just wait till it unleashes it’s army:
This is what annoys me, someone going for a journalism degree, so much. It’s basic due diligence that wasn’t done. Just aaarrrrrgghhhhhh.
Yep. Got it programmed into my iPad, with a few other fun ones. Like this ಠ_ಠ
That sounds like the plot of a bad movie.
It’s such a placid color, don’t you think?