It looks like purple Godspeed.
It looks like purple Godspeed.
Now I’m thinking of Mad Men. It’s Toasted. Heh.
I love it when shit like this happens. It’s like a subtle version of Orqwith from Doom Patrol. Infectious ideas. Real life Inception.
Here. Have a free un-grey.
Have you played the game yet? And if so, is it worth downloading?
Well, considering I don’t have a book at the moment, it’s not like I can’t enjoy my time off.
Well, yes and no, but answering why would be a spoiler in and of itself.
I did this in the demo.
Wario Land 4 started the “dash back to the beginning after reaching the end”, not Shake-it.
Oh, behave!
Amen to this. I love that one.
He’s not crappy, but his writer/showrunner is.
Darn. I wanted to call and inform them of the illegal alien that parked a blue police box outside my door, and looks like an old white dude and spoke with a Scottish accent.
I haven’t watched SVU since Stabler left, but I might have to make an exception for Shooter McGavin.
Psssssshhh. Get back to me when it’s a solid gold Death Star:
It did, though. Because the transition from 480p to 1080p isn’t as simple as flipping a switch.
You really knocking Leifthraisir? It pretty much fixed allot he problems with the game. And it upgraded it to HD. Easily one of my favorite remakes.
Exactly. Crow T. Robot is the one who decides who lives and who dies.