
"Anything he says, I would take with a huge sack of…schalt."

I was wondering if that was him, Hamish Linklater! I guess he's FX's go-to Government Agent Who Screws With a Protagonist.

I'm pretty sure that a KGB office featured earlier this season had a portrait of Chernenko.

"America can't protect you, Henry can't protect you, and the mail robots are everywhere."

"I don't know, Henry–do you really need five paragraphs on our mail robot?"

Tim's the one with the acting talent.

Emmit, like H.I. McDunnough, prefers a long-handled shoehorn to slip into his loafers.

Yeah, there being no question about Gloria investigating her own stepfather's murder (especially now the department has the manpower of the county) strains my credulity.

"It was directed by Andrés Muschietti"

That's true, and the show can lean too heavily on their favorite themes and symbols. I thought Zimmerman's bit on quantum physics was too cute and got a groan out of me; but for some reason, the box worked for me.

The box is a perfect emblem of the Fargo worldview (at least, one part of that worldview): a futile absurdity the only function of which is to negate your pointless interaction with it. It might have also been a screen that simply lights up NO when you press its button.

Nailing it down. So important.

Coens reference: Gloria lying wide awake in bed and getting up with an "Okay" parallels Llewelyn Moss lying wide awake and rising with an "Alright."

I bet that parking lots and parking lot-related activities are Minnesota's main economic output in the Fargo universe.

"Mere surmise, sir."

And Tuan has been a big red flag since he casually mentioned to Philip and Elizabeth that, of course, the Americans are going to destroy the Soviet Union, just like they destroyed his country.

-The fury of Gavin's "Goddamn motherfucker" as he glared at Jack and the plane's route was great; that, and "Fly each leg five more times."
-The two easiest ways to instantly establish characterization: give him a lacrosse stick and a framed Tom Brady jersey.
-I saw Jack Barker's placement across from the bathroom

"His IQ seems low, I'm sayin'."

A post-truth world and fetishizing a piece of government paper identifying someone…

Also "you don't get the human visual system" either, FWIW.