
The Dumb Starbucks lawyer and the liability waiver (including the hardest I've laughed at the show, when it flashbacks for a second to him signing it and admitting, "What kind of lawyer am I, I'm signing this shit I haven't read").

2/10. You oversold it with the complete dismissal of every Lynch work. A plausible and respectable enough opinion on its own, of course, but no one who held such a view would be watching a couple of episodes of TP this deep into the season. Baiting needs a soupçon of plausibility to be effective.

I gotta admit: as the credits finished rolling over the girl sleeping, and I was on the edge of the couch waiting for one little or big thing to happen, I totally got spooked by the cut to the loudly sparking LYNCH/FROST PRODUCTIONS.

Ya. You know it's a Hawley series, so, it's pretty good.

That's what the second TV is for.

"Or we could watch Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium again."

Re: 2., the cut to the bird's-eye shot of Chuck in bed, I just want to agree how striking and unsettling McKean's expression was in that.

Howard may be a high-powered attorney on-the-go, but he still has time to go to the movies and make topical, early Aughts Gollum references. I bet he was comparing everything in the office to RotK that day.

Well now I want avenging angel Ray Wise to give me a kitten to hold and a deux-ex-Bug, too.

I am being picky about the prison bus holdup; they've only got so many minutes of show after all.

I don't love the preternatural abilities of Varga and his squad, so I'm going with the supernatural angle to make it more narratively palatable for me.

Yep. The library intimidation scene ticked me off, for how rote it was, and all it takes to spring someone from police custody is walking into traffic?


I'll take what I can get in this world.

Mail Robot watches the service from afar, the steady rain beating a tattoo against its black umbrella. The few in attendance below trade quick glances between each other, their own feet, and the central player in her own, foreign tragedy–the American Job who elicits whispers and knowing glances wherever she goes in

"Sorry, Martha: turns out your adorable moppet was part of a CIA agent's plot and now must be sent to America alone against her will. Hey, like you! Martha? Martha, right? Like you!"

Apparently it was featured on the soundtrack of The Man Who Wasn't There, but I couldn't tell you in what scene.

Some Coenisms:

That shot of Oleg walking off seemed…valedictory.

A Currency Transaction Report does apply to cash withdrawals, as well as deposits; however, just having one isn't going to cause the IRS to conduct a quasi-audit at your business. There would probably have to be some number of suspicious or questionable activities to get their attention (which, with Varga's