
"I feel like one of the guys in the posters."

In the shot where Kim reveals to Jimmy that there's a recording of his confession, we can see (in his newly refurbished office) a pair of tasteful, subdued photos of the Statue of Liberty's crown hanging on the far wall.

Kim taking back the Mesa Verde documents to obsess over induced more stress in me than just about anything in Breaking Bad. They're fine, Kim! You've got this! Goddamn it.

I thought we had seen the saddest that Philip's face could possibly get last season in the episode Martha left, but I was so, so wrong: sadly not-eating your McDonald's with your sad eighties mustache is…really sad.

he threatened to turn me into the government so I made him and the government go away.

Morty, I know you're too stupid to get this, but you're really fucking this up.

When the Summerland crew is entering David's house, that crash zoom to The Eye is amazing.

This is true.

"I think he defected over frustration with their system, not out of hate"

Ha exactly.

"American Dad stands with the NFL Players' Association."

"His eyes are green and he's Latin—I NEED IT!"

Better lose that boyfriend before I fist him!

Eh, he has like eight other brother-doctors in the area.

Yeah, I kinda thought they were about to go into detail on uh something else.

Having just ascended from a grave…hey, that works.

"It was like going out with a female version of you."

That's cool.


[Oleg hangs up]