
I'm not going to be able to get tickets to this, am I.

Right—that one in plain, ancient-looking vestments stood separate from the others, which seems to indicate a special position.

And why doesn't Legion dance anymore?

You had me at "reading words that another human being has written."

As opposed to Latin, I take it?

Well said!

Always a safe bet.

Apparently Fr. James Martin watched it. Hope he keeps up!


FWIW, the Catholic Church is now more or less (a qualification doing some heavy work there, I know) cool with modern scientific findings, including the age of the Earth and universe. Indeed, a priest** (Georges Lemaître) was instrumental in formulating the Big Bang theory!

The sins we committed in the past are the sins we will commit in the future, my son.

*Pope turns around sedia gestatoria, sits on it backwards*

He's sexy and he knows it.

As long as Lauren Graham and/or Christina Hendricks are still involved too, I'm onboard.

Duh and/or hola.

This seems as good a time as any to recommend this blog, in which the writer tries to drink every alcoholic drink mentioned by Pynchon:

Seriously. The man was gunned down in a swanky hotel and they don't even depict that! That should be right up BE's alley.

Hopefully there aren't any themes, either! Those can be divisive.

I have that lovely old mix of anticipation and dread over this.

Gregg's $250 million Kickstarter must be near completion, surely.