
Well that's fucking disappointing. Especially because I interpreted the headline as a trailer release.

"pixelization and black bars, which is way more funny anyways"

More like "Bro-mide-y," right?

Time for everyone's favorite Christmas movie, EYES WIDE SHUT. Fidelio, everyone!

Thanks for guessing!

Applies equally well to "Welcome to hell, idiot."

Just long enough.

Glad to be warned about the E-Walk. Fucking shame about the Ziegfeld. Been there twice (for the Che roadshow and The Master) and it is truly a unique venue.

…Too bad.

You have traces of briney liquid water all over your food prep area and your wait staff are taking shots with the Curiosity rover!

Yes, I'm glad Schmidt got that moment, rather than being portrayed as a total shitheel.

And I wonder if there'll be a couple of more fatalities next episode, as Hanzee pursues Peggy & Ed.


Undercover as a cult, of course.

I can see him at his diner a couple of hours after, drying a dish, then pausing, and thinking aloud, "Wonder if Molly woulda found that interesting? Huh."


Bless you, kind stranger.

Maybe he dividid, maybe he divididn't.

More like Stoned Pony, am I right? Or maybe Stone Brony, is that correct?

Agreed, I want no Pärt of this.