
SUpraterrestrial Psionically-Enhanced Robotic Legal Adjudicating Digital Yottabot - or S.U.P.E.R. L.A.D.Y.

You really need to stop posting this reply to every comment.

A fine, Scottish white wine.

I prefer mine to be stationery. You can have plenty of fun with a stack of jotter cards!

That is lil' Dr. Bertram Chicerking, Jr.!

And I thought it was a pretty good little scene:

*proffers dipping sticks*

I hope that Will Forte is okay with the fact that he was born to play gutless, contemptible creeps who are consistently and deservedly humiliated. I myself am more than okay with it.

How he ever thought skipping the Atlantic City Conference and Rothstein's killing was a good idea, I'll never understand.

Thanks for reading!

They're gamifying the scalability!

But then again…

Jesus, I actually did forget there were at least two other ethnic caricatures in TPM, besides Jar-Jar. It just keeps getting better.

The favorable comparison of Attack of the Clones to Fury Road.

Someone smarter than me can explain why I did, but I just loved the end credits being intercut with Karl shooting the shit at the VFW, with "Man of Constant Sorrow" over it all. And it was perfectly capped with his (classic Offerman) self-deprecating, maybe slightly weary chuckle.

My love of John Hodgman is counterbalanced by my horror/revulsion of Dr. Cotton.

I also liked the teddy imprisoned under a wastepaper basket (complete with handcuffs) in the Concord Super Duper Mart.

This is true.

An evergreen comment.

"The pig-fucking PM!?!"