
B-Manus Up

More like Benicio Del Snore-o. If Benicio Del Toro had been in this movie.

A little curious why De Niro's character is dressed like Bobby Bottleservice in that still.


I know, that outfit in the elevator at 1:46.

Webster Hall ca. 1999 makes Rough Trade ca. 2014 look like Baby's All Right ca. 2017.

Gatineau: the riding you think so little about, it's not on this side of the Ottawa River, it's on this side.

Oh my goodness, thank you for that.

Bats are bugs.

That song almost makes "(I Was Hoping There Would Be) More Gambling (reprise)" seem bearable by comparison.

Awesome contrivance, and awesome episode guys. Look forward to the series.

Judging by the upcoming episode titles listed on Wikipedia, it looks like the theme is Absurdist plays and stories (like this episode being a spin on Waiting for Godot). A good complement to paradoxes!

And even presidential aspirant John McCain got a mention!

Let me check with my Mancierge.

Also, it's fitting, in a darkly comic way, that this airs on Columbus Day: an episode (and a season) that begins by undercutting a mythologizing of American history that tries to conceal the murder and displacement of native peoples and replace it with a story that valorizes the settler.

Forget that—oh, forget it.

What a strong premiere.

I can't believe that's not a Coen bros. character name.

It sounds like a euphemism from the 70s for drug and/or orgy paraphernalia.

You were zipped in the first place? More restraint than I.