Witchy Whale

Neutral: I hope that rental car companies can survive. No way in hell I would ever risk my life being in a ride sharing program. 

I can’t unseen that now.

Funny thing is that my previous car I had a sticker like that but instead it was a monster truck crushing the stick figure family.

Stick Figure Families

I noticed this quite a bit in JDM cars, I love how you get a blank and then you go to an aftermarket company for your infotainment center. 

Someone now needs to make an Ad-Blocker for this crap. 

The Tuckers are going to be upset that one less H2 exists on the road. 

Plymouth Cricket

I live in the St. Louis area and I was able to fill up with diesel easily at 2.91. It must be an East Coast Thing. 

It’s about time that MG makes a convertible sports car again.

It’s about time the lesbaru goes electric. 

I was 9 at the time that 9/11 happened and I was living as a military brat. I had no idea what was going other the than tv being on in class of the towers getting destroyed. Being a 9 year old, I never seen so much panic before. I remember that my parents were reluctant to let me play on the playground just a block

Car Decals

Is it me or do I hate yellow cars?

My first car, a 2000 Hyundai Accent

I wish they brought the ID3 as a more affordable option.