William Byrd

Adrian van Hooydonk makes Chris Bangle look like Michelangelo

Ford got away with it with the Mach E, so I’m really not that surprised Nissan is also expanding their “Z” into a separate segment.

YO! The contact page has a 949 number... that means one of these things might be chilling down in Newport right now. We need to GET ON THIS ASAP.

Here’s the full inspection in Michigan:

Literally do nothing.

How the fuck is racism complicated?

Er, you took this seriously?  This is a Torch morning chuckle post. 

This hasn’t aged well, apparently.

I wish they had package pricing. I reserved a base 2 door, and plan on getting the Sasquatch package, but something tells me it’ll be like $10,000 extra. And yes, it will be a manual. I put my money where the internet’s mouth is for new car purchases :)

I reckon that your username means you actually HAVE driven a Jeep with a folding windshield, which is why I’ll ask you:
1) Which part of the atrocious experience of having sand and wind just smash straight into your face did you enjoy?
2) Did you drive windshield-down at the speeds above 15mph?
3) Just how often do you

I appreciate it, but I’m not going to make any “case,” as at this point, the issue is simple: Someone is upset, and I can fix that reasonably easily.

Right, and I don’t own a home, so that’s the perspective I come from. (And given the demographics of Jalopnik readers, I suspect there are quite a few homeowners here, which is why when this topic arises—and we write about this kind of thing fairly often—the majority tends to support requiring orderly/functional cars

I’ll take a wild guess, only politics you personally don’t agree with. I’m sure you’d have a raging boner if there was a headline about Trump saving the auto industry.

So, what I’m getting from this is, “It’s okay, because they were following orders.”

Man, I hate it when Jalopnik forces me to read things I don’t like.

That just it though, she does own the rights to use the Elanor likeness. Had it just been some jamoke posting pics of his build there likely wouldn’t have been an issue, but vids on his monetized YouTube channel? There’s no way the rights holder will let that go without sending a C&D to start. If it got to the point

The YouTube channel in question is the popular B is for Build

Who? thinks?? this???

It’s entirely possible that was the joke. I guess we’ll never know.

On top of all that, Brosnan has a reputation for being a super decent and nice human being. This article comes off as petty.