William Byrd

There are still some midwestern/east coast dealers that penetrate the sheet metal to affix those crappy dealer badges.... it’s INCREDIBLY tacky and annoying.

How can you do that with trade-ins though? They usually need to inspect the car first.

Sorry, not buying it. This was likely the safest time this could have been done.

Full disclosure: I watched Cannonball Run a LOT as a kid, so there’s a soft spot in my enthusiast heart for these things. But, also full disclosure: The average speeds have now gotten to where this is a Really Bad Idea. These guys are putting way more into this than Brock ever expected.

Agreed. The chances of causing injuries/death is absolutely lower now than at any other time. 

I agree. I think it’s always dumb, but the dumbness is slightly less now. The chances of a run killing someone in a direct way due to higher traffic seems much higher than the chance the somehow they divert resources that could have helped a coronavirus patient and so someone else dies that way.

Kind of ironic that you wrote the exact article Ed predicted in the very vinwiki video you shared, condemning this run. Which is funny considering all the positive press Ed got here on jalopnik back when he originally broke the record. 

...sandwiched between the Adriatic Sea to the South and the Duchy of St.Marzipan to the North...

Seems they are hoarding spare tires as well. 


Not enough stars.

I’m going with a boring answer- Honda Ridgeline.

And on that note...

This is a hard one, the airlines felt they were doing the right thing for their shareholders which is sort of what a business is supposed to do (as long as its ethical).  But they know that there could be a global recession or other impact event and didn’t hold reserves.  Even if they did I don’t know if it would have

Funny you mentioned “reporting” to I bought a car at auction once - it had been originally advertised for sale by its owner on In spite of my best efforts to inform that *I* now owned said car, it took forever before it was finally taken down.

Wow. I’m not happy you showed me this. My wife may need a word with you... Seriously though, these cards must be hell to keep on the road given the depreciation they’re experiencing. As a total aside, why can’t idiots enter the specs of their cars correctly on the major sale sites? Filtering for manuals is really just

I believe it’s missing a hyphen. Maybe a comma too... Regardless, Big, Docent-Energy is my new stage-name. 

Apparently the appearance - or ‘conceptual livery’, if you’ld rather - was informed by fighter jets, among other things. Perhaps more obvious in the interior, which takes a lot of design cues from cockpits. As for why the F/A 18: I think it says more about where Aston expect this car to sell than anything else.

McDonnell Douglas merged with Boeing before the Super Hornet entered full-rate production, in 1997.

MD provided the fighter-gray paint.