
Unfortunately, the standard complaint that hawks are just paranoid and that we don’t need a massive military hasn’t aged very well the last couple of months.

This is the current AV Club. The writing is an ouroboros of snark which leads to articles that don’t say anything.

You got him, guys. True evil has been uprooted. I hope his tombstone reads He told a joke and touched a leg.

Why's he using they to describe himself, they is a group, they is not singular, he or she or it is singular. Please don't use multiple to describe a singular being please, that's mucho confusing.

I’m going to side with Elliott on this. I tried watching Power of the Dog and never developed enough interest in it to lose interest in it. Some movies are slow to get going. I’m not sure this one ever got going...because I realized I had better things to do with my time and turned it off.

Remember when the AVClub bought this ridiculous story hook line and sinker?   Then they got all mad at Chappelle because he showed how stupid they were?  Remember that?  

Season 8 isn’t even one of the best TV seasons in Game of Thrones.

Yeah, that superhero fatigue is going to set in...any day now.

I mean...I’m looking at pictures of this Ratliff dude, and Hanks isn’t wrong.

Have you seen “Party Down”

Where did this slang come from? Don’t get me wrong, those guys sound like all-too familiar assholes but, as somebody who’s lived in London my whole life, I have never heard of guns being referred to as ‘Hammers’. West Ham fans refer to themselves as Hammers and apart from that its just, actual hammers.

And nobody recorded it? Hmm.

Nah, all people everywhere can be racist and a pretty fair percentage of them are.

He’s a sweetie - 6 month old Australian Shepherd puppy. Smart, willful, affectionate, would gladly play catch for twelve consecutive hours if we let him :D

Is it at least worth wondering whether some people might come back if they pared back the sanctimonious, self-important speeches that parrot the exact same three messages? To quote Paddy Chayefsky: “Winning the Academy Award is not a pivotal moment in history, does not require a proclamation, and a simple ‘thank you’

the fact is that Twitter amplifies the voices of a handful of people and big digital media outlets that set the narrative for a certain very high profile class of consumer that, despite their loud voices, represents a pretty tiny slice of even the 18-49 bucket.

Spotify didn’t lose $2 billion dollars. It’s market value declined by $2 billion based on future forecasts of slower (not even negative) user growth going into next year, a pattern that also follows for Netflix and other big streamers coming out of the pandemic and has sort of been a part of the discussion for all of

Lol you summed up the character to perfection. It’s a genius formula for books precisely because of the blank slate quality. I’m not a guy but I too enjoyed the fantasy of being consistently underestimated and surprising everyone with kickassery. Also, to be basically safe in any setting because so incredibly tough

A Party Down revival without Casey (Caplan) being there is something that shouldn’t happen. If it’s not possible due to scheduling, or an actor just not wanting to to do it, then just let it stand as the great, and influential past series that it was.

“With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a wi-fi hot spot”