
“Juice my jammies”

I agree with the political message and didn’t particularly care for the movie. It was watchable, and bits were good. The bits that were obvious comedy did not work at all for me. Plus, overall, the message was, I thought, overly transparent, and it was way overlong.

If you can vibe with actually using the phrase “vibe with,” this is the movie for you.

Speed Racer was actually pretty fun.

“Oh, yawn, here’s meta-commentary about how this will go as a bunch of idiots argue about their obvious opinions.

Critics are often out of touch. It isn’t just critics, but a lot of people in and around the industry lose perspective on the real world or get caught up in all the inside baseball. It doesn’t help whn most of a critic’s social interactions are on Twitter. Twitter is not representative of the the real world, but

This is so myopic it’s stunning. The show is popular precisely because of this blinkered worldview. There is precious little in pop culture that is reflective or appreciative (melodrama or not) of rural life from ANY era. Maybe the last thing even close is Red Dead Redemption II! Is it so stunning that when that maw

No offense meant Noel, but maybe that’s just because entertainment media isn’t as important as its writers seem to think it is?

I think it’s the “not not” of that statement that bungles it up. Might have been more clear to say: “the most pleasant Star Wars fans are those that get to take part in its productions.” But yeah, unsure if that holds any weight. I’m a super fanboy nerd, self proclaimed fandom menace, yet I’m selective about how I be

We’re not saying all Star Wars fans are unpleasant all the time, but surely we’d all have a hard time finding a Star Wars fan who is less unpleasant than one who gets to be in the background of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Although the video is distressing, I wouldn't charge the officers either.  He had a gun and kept reaching for it.  I doubt if a mental health professional would have been of any use since a gun was involved. 

Questions of quality aside, the Wachowskis haven’t had a giant hit since the original trilogy ended. Of course Warner Bros. wants to go back to the well. Why would they continue funding new original work when the pair haven’t had a box office hit in almost 20 years?

this review starts out with spoliers, albeit minor,and continues with major plot points. this is not a movie i want spoiled.

Okay, let’s say you saw Reloaded in the theatre when it came out, and then vowed to never watch Revolutions... will that put me at a disadvantage to watch this movie? Or is just the first one particularly relevant?

Huh. I’ve been repeatedly told that small, serious films aren’t being made anymore due to the superhero glut, yet apparently there were at least 25 of them this year. (Presumably more, as this is a “best of” list.) I have *heard of* (not seen) four of these. I feel as though you are making up the rest.

This might be what happens when you give fans exactly what they ask for -- no matter how ridiculous -- instead of trying to subvert their expectations. 

- very beloved character
- villains from past iterations of spider-man movies in it
- “rumors” of the spider-men from those past movies being in it
- last movie of the trilogy
- unlike black widow, shang-chi, or eternals, it includes a popular mcu character, dr. strange
- curiosity of the beginning of the multiverse in the

That would be good, since seeing a movie in a theater is a different experience than seeing it on your stupid home TV”

Is it really necessary to call it stupid and a sad excuse for a hobby? I mean, dudes are out there riding sticks, tossing balls and looking to be having fun. Hell, they even went so far as to have uniforms. Let em bang, bro.