
Check out the military life for some play acting on a grand scale. I remember the first day of my army training , how disappointed I was that the Drill instructors were all hacks. They were screaming quotes from “Full Metal Jacket” and “An Officer and a Gentleman” . “You’re from London? Only 2 things from London ,

Love that shot of Christina Ricca , such an angelic/demonic face. 

A CW superhero show that isn’t about diversity and inclusion? This one actually might be worth watching , great PR guys!

Kimmel somehow looking more dignified than at the Emmys. 

I love Aukerman but find his obsession with lame novelty acts like weird Al baffling. He wasn’t funny in the 80s , he still isn’t.

“Dear netflix , please give us no-names bigger parts and rewrite the show so that it makes us look better.” 

No need for namecalling the critic but I agree with you , the liberal agenda has infected all of tv and movies it seems. So what to do? Vote with your wallet. I’ve cancelled netflix for this reason . There’s always foreign tv , Scandinavian crime dramas and in England we can still knock out a period drama that’s worth

This is a show about the power of inclusivity.” Doesn’t that sound wildly entertaining?

Has anyone noted how man-hating her comments are? She’s saying trans women are basically men and therefore they can’t be trusted around women. 

I’m sure some self-righteous celebrities lecturing them from Hollywood will change their minds. 

Wow I bet this really sucks . 

you’re still reading the articles? I just skip to the comments.

How does someone sharing billing with Wonder Woman , Superman and Batman figure he’s the main draw?

I really like the Justice League movie , it clips along at a very respectable pace and it looks great . The bad guy sucks but that’s par for the course (pre thanos at least). I’m looking forward to a bigger bloated version too. 

it was a good joke. the universally lame responses by bemused r-words just proves his point.

If he’d spent more time in the gym building his muscles he’d have been too strong for the covid. #notmyskinnybatman

Forget it , this site is a pathetic remnant of what it was . now it’s just a woke freakshow for blue haired rich kids to exchange tedious buzzwords with each other.

No thanks , sounds godawful . 

JK has a problem with “Doctors” hacking up children and many agree with her. Any quack who takes a knife to a healthy child should be struck off and imprisoned.