
I can’t stand it. The worst ones are where the child is filmed reacting to a genuine life event . Big displays of emotion are carefully captured and shared with the world. I’m like , didn’t you go to school? Do you think this’ll help? Imagine the future resentment these kids are gonna have. 

“no comedy-loving kid needs to stumble on these tropes and be stung by their ugliness.”

I agree , the community reunion has worked best so far. It was more of a panel plus a table read and it flowed very nicely. I think they set the template for these reunions. The Parks thing was beyond cringe with all the covid lecturing.

I love cop shows , hope this doesn’t affect the final season of Bosch. 

they’re bored young people with nothing better to do , let them run around on the freeway if they want. 

I think they’re hesitant because both the driver and victims are the wrong race for the narrative! Bloody facts getting in the way of a good story!

He was a pivotal member of the office and had many wonderful scenes , I can’t wait to contribute to this incredible sounding project !

I don’t like the close-ups , it removes us one stage further from the experience of a live event and it’s not fair on the actors who are playing to the back of the room. 

This is a very funny show ! Can’t wait for S3 

I’d never begrudge an actor a steady gig but Mr Pierce is totally wasted on the Jack Ryan Amazon abortion. It’s painfully bad , appalling writing and characterizations despite such a wealth of source material. 

Wayne Knight just about stole that film . Back when actors were allowed personalities . These latest Jurassic movies are so very boring because the characters are shit. 

I stopped watching a couple seasons back and now I see no way back in. None of the synopses make any sense to me. 

Now playing

Jenna and Paul’s version of O holy night , with some stunning falsetto harmonies by Will Forte , was one of the show highlights for me .

An epic cliffhanger! I can’t wait to see what happens now that Spidey’s secret is out. It’s gonna be a bitch avoiding spoilers on this one , I assume it’s been tackled in the comics before. 

Hi I’m not much of a gamer but I loved Origins and Odyssey , could you recommend games similar?

I didn’t care for Mr Davidson’s character but there’s some funny dialogue and the supporting cast were great . Bill Burr in particular was given quite a substantial role and acquitted himself well.  

Anyone else think of Mad Men with the drugs at work storyline?

Lovely Dan. He was very funny in the new Kimmy Shmidt thing.

I wonder if his buoyant career can be attributed to some truly world class dirt he dug up whilst phone hacking at The Mirror. Who knows how many world leaders and captains of industry he has the negatives on.

Oof , the pilot was rough. Didn’t so much as raise a smile.