
I like this movie , it’s fun. 

Usual disgusting snobbery and classism from the avclub.

when it comes to stand up comedy , if the av club likes it , it’s probably not funny.

Thanks! Staying away is a smart move , luckily (though not at the time) my supply ran out so I had no choice but to quit. You’re right about how yummy they are at first, I’d never had any kind of anxiety medication so the first ones just floored me , instant peace and contentment.

After years of abusing benzos I went cold turkey last year , resulting in a week of psychosis. It wasn’t the craziness of the visions/nightmares that surprised me , it was the devastating emotional intensity of them . During the episode I kept transforming into small animals and would have to make my way around the

I really liked First Man . I read the reviews after watching it and was surprised at all the flag controversy , hadn’t even noticed the flag’s absence from the movie.

He’s so dreamy!

I loved it! Great to catch up with the old gang and Mr Radcliffe surprised me , he got some big laughs .

Very nice article Gwen , I enjoyed it a lot. 

This article seemed very snobby and sneering to me. 

I like the first 2 thirds of the movie. The ending is a noisy clusterfuck but that’s true of most superhero movies. I thought the way they created tension between the titular 4 , especially Mr Fantastic and The Thing , was very effective. 

“Stop bouncing on that space-couch!”

It can’t be worse than the Jack Ryan series which is embarrassingly awful , despite some great actors.

I sat through most of it , but didn’t care for it. The plague refs were too preachy and there was no real story. Felt like one of thoseget out the vote” videos . Still it was good to see everyone.

What a voice Jeremy has! A classic performance

Now playing

There’s lots of great LaBelle clips , this live performance is up there . Miss Patti demolishes the room. As Don Cornelius says after the song : “Patti , why are you beatin’ my kids up like this?” Patti: “’cause I love ‘em , that’s love whoopin’”

Her humour is pretty niche though , I remember one of her character’s catchphrase was “Suck my Clit!” . 

Yeah this show is like a relic of the golden age , it’s been a reminder of how great TV can be , and the rest of the dross around right now looks shabby by comparison.

I still haven’t forgiven him for stabbing Carter and poor Lucy.

that’s right , such sandwiches!