
I also think Kevin Costner is still hot. Yellowstone was good. 

I was thinking about him today. He was funny in 30 Rock. Rest in peace.

MH: don’t ask me why the movie is so popular among Wall Street guys. It’s like, “Really? Okay...”


Ooh! New season starts tomorrow! Can’t wait , hilarious show , watched the first season thrice already.

Casino Royale was so great! Such a powerful reset of the character and then 3 (probabaly 4) bullshit borefests to follow. What happened?

Really liking the look of this show and the supporting cast are amazing. The lead is a bit bland by comparison.

eff the bungholes , bring back the weiners!

Comedian Jamie Loftus is best known for stuff like .... co-hosting the Bechdel Cast podcast” . Thank for including this at the top of the article. It tells me everything I need to know about this person and her opinions.

I kinda liked season 1 but never bothered with s2. Is it worth a look? If it’s more impenetrable than s1 then I’m not interested I guess. 

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I first heard Marc Maron years ago on a very early ep of WTF. I didn’t get it at all , knew nothing about LA alternative comedy. His “guest” was a Doctor specialising in Salvia therapy . The “Doctor” demonstrated the use of salvia to Marc and then freaked the fuck out. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! Took me

I liked this special , wasn’t too long , some funny stuff , he won me over.

I saw it quite recently , was blown away with the Scarlett character , so complex and contradictory , v modern character. Read the book soon after , it’s amazing! The racism is fucking shocking though by today’s standards , the book is way worse than the film in that respect. 

Wow she did great , what an effort for a non-singer! She continues to impress.

People do it for other reasons?

I’m still not sure what this show is but what a line-up , Josh Gad too! 

At least he was allowed genitals. The Cats movie digitally emasculated all the actors. This bothered me.

Absolutely , the last line of the article was almost identical . 

The Jack Ryan series is really awful. Such a wealth of source material but the writing is embarrassing. Some big actors sleepwalking through their exposition . 

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Pilot ep free to watch on youtube of Zoey’s extraordinary playlist , with Jane Levy - it’s a lot of fun!