
Haven’t seen Julian McMahon around for a while. He was great in Nip/tuck and was a lot of fun as Doctor Doom!

I still wanna watch it. That it’s some awful visual nightmare makes it more appealing.

It’s like the world has finally woken up to what a pile of dogshit these disney Star Wars movies are. Same thing happened with the prequels , we were all hanging in there until Episode 3 dropped and then we just had to face it.

Stoked that so many love this movie , I’m off to re-watch it! RIP dear Danny Aiello

It’s holiday season and that means one thing , time to pour lazy hack scorn and contempt on our beloved Aunts and Uncles.

It doesn’t get talked about enough but Paul Scheer’s guest appearance in Parks and Recreation was hilarious. Remember , take a man kabooming , he kabooms for a day...

Weirdly , the Mandalorian might just save this movie. It could have been the biggest flop due to lack of interest but the TV show is doing a good job getting people back into SW.

It’s taking me a while to warm up to this season , the writing seems a little lazy , relying on past themes a lot. Also Queenie feels like a totally different character from the previous seasons .

The opening paragraph of this article encapsulates everything that’s wrong with what this site has become. That anyone with a critical eye could watch that Samberg/Oh abortion without cringing at the lameness of the attempted humour , coupled with that embarrassing speechifying is a disgrace.

Is there anything worth a look on this network?

Her husband is no slouch in the piercing blue eyes department. If they have kids they’ll have laser vision.

This was awesome , I wasn’t expecting much after the Deadwood snoozer but this was a perfect capper to Jesse’s story. Jessica Jones was a little underused but the other nods and cameos were perfect. Vince G can do no wrong it appears.

some nice realistic gunplay also with a believably high miss rate

He was obviously talking about Trump and his notorious handshakes doofus.

Preach! Vaping is a delivery system , if you put poison in it , you get poisoned. These vape carts are like bathtub gin. 

Peter Dinklage was hilarious in the between 2 ferns movie!

How the hell is he still so good looking? It’s not right.