
Please no spoilys AVclub - there’s bound to be more leaked shit.

She’s been great . Her , Luke and Kylo were the only good bits of TLJ 

wtf are you doing quoting the fucking sun. it’s trash. shame on you.

Looking forward to more killing Eve , Sandra Oh was fantastic. She and Samberg both sucked hard at the globes though. Just awful. Nearly everyone does though , such a thankless task I wonder why anyone agrees to do it.

Ugh , I lost a few friends to that zeitgeist movie. These were smart people whose intelligence I respected pre 911 . I couldn’t believe how lazy that movie was , how half-baked the “evidence” was and the wild leaps into unfounded conclusions.

You’re right , although it’s more “sheer” than “sure”.

I kinda liked the pilot. The lead is likeable and unusual , the supporting cast is pretty good. Seems like an inoffensive hang out sitcom. 

If it were anything other than suicide I’d say rave on , but it seems to me suicide is the negation of life. He hated his life so much he ended it violently , why are we celebrating it? I’m all for paying respects but jollity seems out of place.

Suicide , awesome let’s dance!! Fucking vultures.

Not quite , Freddie is still in the movie. 

So many of these amazing musicals are problematic today , I watched Carousel recently for the first time and it’s jaw dropping. What songs though.

Makes me want to bury my head in a sack of big macs

I hope there’ll be some commentary tracks.

been practicin’ huh?

They’re not vampires and not weekends! What’s next? Werewolf Fortnight?

Just shotgunned it. I liked it a lot , very consistent tension , wit , mystery. Great cast - Really liking these half hour dramas like homecoming, keeps things snappy.

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Skip Bohemian and check out the guy who does the singing in the movie - he’s amazing

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Great article! Here’s a version of Agony I really dig

it sickens me