
Black Panther was boring with dull characters (also poor acting and atrocious accents) . Show Blade for free instead.

What a glorious clusterfuck we’ve wrought , might have to go grovelling back to the EU having washed our filthy laundry in public. 

totes. i’m in for all of this . I may even give Mr Robot another try , Rami Malek just won me over as Freddie Mercury.

I wish Mr Trump wouldn’t keep on with the junk food , it’s disarmingly relatable. I’d demolish that spread.

Now playing

May I leave this here? It’s quite wonderful.

True detective - C , Orville - C , Punisher - C

Anyone else feeling just a little smug that they eschewed the “safe” public sector jobs in favour of the private sector? 

I’m not familiar with his music but he always struck me as a bloviating narcissist with little of substance to convey. A person with limited faculties given a huge megaphone (by sites such as this) to bellow his non-sequiturs to whomever is dull-witted enough to listen. 

Whenever I hear Americans say that the UK education system is better & that we’re “smarter” and more cultured I point them to our tabloids. These scurrilous rags represent a majority of the dim-witted fuckheads in our dog-shit strewn concrete jungles alas.

Janney as president , Schiff as veep , brad as COS , Dulé as deputy COS , Rob Lowe as Communications Director . Start filming now please.

I’d rather watch Louis  <battens down hatches>

The actor Paul Eddington said in an interview near the end of his life that he hoped he’d be remembered thus: “he didn’t do much harm”.

Isn’t he like an old money rich guy? prolly never drank anything that wasn’t smooth as silk.

Despite being a big Charlie Brooker fan since the 90s I haven’t seen this show. I’m plenty anxious and scared enough about the world , I don’t need any more fuel on that fire.

How come the the rescued submariners immediately abandon ship? Why wouldn’t they just take back control of their submarine? It wasn’t sinking until that dipshit started lobbing grenades around the torpedo bay.

I’d love to see an animated “Ricky Gervais Show” version of her podcast “With Special Guest”. Maybe then I could die happy.

If that’s an articulated trailer the driver may have been trying to pull the emergency brake (a big pull switch) which can be located on the side of trailers. Of course he should have applied this brake before de-coupling his trailer.

All those female comics mentioned are not funny. Shouldn’t Ellen be on this list? , she can’t be short of a penny (and she can actually tell a joke).

Seems like way too much freezer space and time. I use silicone square 4 pack thing , works just like a big regular ice cube mould. Cubes not as perfect as these but just as big.

Seems like way too much freezer space and time. I use silicone square 4 pack thing , works just like a big regular

Right , surely there’s some kind of Plane Jail on these larger models?