
“MR F” for Boba Fett made me chuckle I’ll admit.

Why did she cut her ear off?

Yeah there was no peril for the handmaids. I thought some of them might be ringers and they’d be hanged but it was just a waste of time.

The trailer looked bad and his accent is really distracting.

I’m part Indian and received plenty of Apu jokes. Not a one of them bothered me. Everyone gets shit. Growing up in England we had ginger kids , fat kids , skinny kids , kids with birth marks , speech defects etc and they all were mocked mercilessly . Learn to give it back and get on with your life.

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What a Jeremy Jordan tease! I’d love to hear his “take on me” - here’s something recent from him :

Everyone’s only concerned with their thing. I got plenty of Indian “jokes” growing up but I didn’t care about the poor ginger kids or the tubby ones who got just as much shit as I did.

Why is this turgid nonsense being reviewed here?

That is weird. Normally the ivy league scholarship student is the audience surrogate / hero but here he’s a contemptible insecure liar who melts down in the mere presence of Saint Rory. 

I loved the dream sequence - The real Paul Anka and dog Paul Anka meeting at last was great.

How lovely Rory and Lorelai looked in their baptism dresses. Just effing gorgeous! <swoons> The Nick Offerman “nympho” thing was just repellent though. 

“You and Luke getting engaged and not telling me , you hurt me!” “Back at you!” Terrific capper , I like this arc quite a bit.

Read the Patrick O’Brian books that start with “Master and Commander”. I have them on audiobook and have listened to the series countless times - they’re quite wonderful.

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The Rory/Logan dance scene was masterful , a long single take and my fave Rory scene , it seems she’s channelling a little extra Audrey here , appropriately for the soundtrack :

The opening scene with the dean/rory pillow talk was lovely (I normally hate pillow talk scenes). I don’t feel bad for either of them , some people never get a textbook perfect moment like that.

A stone cold classic! Pfeiffer was Earth-shatteringly sexy and DeVito committed so hard to that hideous character. Best thing Tim Burton ever did.

Ignore it. 3d tv failed and so will this and for the same reason. After a hard day at the coalface people don’t want to strap on headgear to watch the news.

They could have offered her half and she’d have bit their hand off (as would any young actor). I think the recognition / awards etc more than compensated. I’m feeling sorrier for Olivia Coleman who has enormous shoes to fill. She’s awesome but Claire’s performance is unforgettable.

Carrie_ann Moss has been terrific this season. All the cast really.

Trish woulda known that inhaler were to run out. She’d have orders in from shady weapons dealers. Your functional addict thinks ahead.