
Feels weird naming names - outing people as what exactly? A member of a crazy destructive religion - like all the other ones.

I’m liking this show apart from the lead actor. Joel McHale would have been good in this role.

I was thinking the same thing about the origin story stuff. I’m not that interested and I’m a little bummed that they’re looking back again. Everything else is great but Trish is getting a little annoying, the ashes thing was bullshit.

I felt a lot of rage after attempting to play the latest GTA game on my pc. I couldn’t even get past the introduction , these games are too hard! I gave up and watched bootleg broadway clips on youtube instead.

He’s got a point , Reality TV is pretty unforgivable.

Well I’d like to try it. I love R&M and McD. Maybe we’ll get it in the UK in 10 years or so.

I believe she’s one of the Kardashians. I think snapchat is like vine.

I thought these big companies were supposed to be stuffed with geniuses? No-one wants to strap on headgear to watch the effing news!

I found it hard to watch but still great. Surprisingly funny too despite the overall grimness.

30 Rock is getting tougher to re-watch too! Damn consciousness-raising.

A lovely ending to the series . I’ll miss this show but we’ll surely see bigger things from Briga Heelan.

I already hate this Irish twat. How dare he turn down Fiona! Unforgivable. 

As usual for network tv , the kid in the show is annoying af.

He’s fairly dishy I guess.

I dunno , for me Alexis is perfect as Rory. She acts awkwardly but that fits with the character and the tone of the show.

If it means I don’t have to constantly hear about comedians’ rocky relationships then great.

Fiona and the loan is ridiculous . She knew , and stated , that the business would need extensive refurbishment and she had zero capital. She could have written a new cheque for 70k , used the 10k for repairs and pay the owner back later.

Tech geniuses know better about passwords. Alcoholics can be great friends and family members. There’s no way that Lip wouldn’t know what an NDA is.