
Way harsh Tai.

Rey / Kylo was the movie. Luke was cool too. Everyone else was just wasting screen time. There’s a good 40 minute movie there , surrounded by boring nonsense.

The awful scene in the coffee shop rang very true to me. I don’t think we’re far off that kind of public “interaction”.

Still crushed from her exit from Person of Interest. I miss that show.

I’m waiting for a big press conference where he literally tells reporters to go fuck themselves. It’s a vote winner (as is this latest outburst).

I dunno if I can keep going with this show. I love the weird world and Chris M is awesome but I hate seeing kids in peril from sickos as a plot point.

I’m on youtube all the time and I’d never heard of this guy till this happened. Who’s watching this stuff?

I loved the Christmas ep with PFT and the glorious Nicole Parker - It’s a trip to hear Broadway-level singing at Earwolf.

That’s been the biggest example of Seth’s restraint - no singing from him (yet!)

There was enough good stuff to make it worth watching I thought. The characters tho were terrible. Luke , Rey and Kylo all had interesting stuff to do , everyone else was just wasting screen time.

Agree that the feud went on for too long. The resolution , though awesome , wasn’t enough to justify such a lengthy split.

I found Rory’s rudderless behaviour believable. The extent to which her upbringing has left her unprepared for the world is starting to show.

1776 and all that.

I never bought the justification for making-up new dinosaurs in JW. People still go to zoos to see penguins and apes. No-ones getting bored of live t-rexes any time soon.

Thanks I won’t bother!

On camera Hillary looked stifled and uncomfortable - Trump was at ease. You need TV training to run for high office now - It’s naive to think that a reasoned manifesto will play any part in getting elected.

I watched the pilot and thought it OK , is it worth sticking with?

Now playing

Growing up in England I wasn’t subjected to commercials much, (we’re forced to pay a licence fee to the BBC so we can watch several channels with no ads). The ones I do remember are awful local ads for shit businesses - of a type amusingly parodied here by Harry Enfield :

I’m glad it’s not just me. Most of my comedy podcasts are consumed whilst walking and I’ve doubled over with laughter on several occasions in public.