"Not a real" DrDonna

There was a time when the Gish Gallop was limited to pathetically inadequate fringe conservatives sitting on the sidelines shouting “debate me!” to disinterested passers-by. Now it’s the main Republican legislative methodology.

Presumably falling into bed (this time literally) with another pseudo-intellectual grifter with vague claims of being liberal but an actual history of conservatism. It’s become something of a pattern with her.

Hasn’t Chelsea been through enough?

Weird that I could read the headline, the subtitle, and the first line of the article without finding out which city this is talking about. Some of us don’t live in New England!

Democrats doing the dumping, Republicans are the trash.

That’s basically my whole point. In order for America to function as it nominally has been, without descending into some sort of theocracy or kleptocratic authoritarianism, the Democrats need to play hardball and actually work to shore up democracy-even if that means their individual careers may be on the line. But

So what you’re saying is that we voted and even though the Democrats won, they’re still the minority party in the Senate?

Luca’s gay subtext was so potent it faded into the foreground.

Now is the part where they accuse us of being groomers and then low-key conflate the existence of LGBT* people with pornography.

I mean, there are solutions. Extreme ones, to be sure (expand the Supreme Court, add term limits, get rid of the filibuster, etc), but America is in a position right now where we have one party of extremists who are willing to break the rules, and another party of moderates who won’t even hold the extremists

Somehow there’s never the votes. Somehow there’s always a Manchin or a Sinema who’s ready to take the hit so we don’t have to actually make any progress. I agree that not voting is gonna make things worse, but it’s pretty hard to justify “voting will make things better” at this point. The modern GOP is an amoral death

Please, please, please, please, please actually read what I said.

You gotta work on your reading comprehension, champ.

I hope Democrats, especially centrist ones, take this to heart. For too long, the Democratic response to any injustice has been “VOTE!”, as though they were totally incapable of action until they had a supermajority in every level of government. Well, we can see how well that is working out. I’m hoping that

If we were to move to sex-based entry into bathrooms, that would actually make things easier. Any old dude could simply claim he is a trans man and is *forced* to use the “female” restroom. The idea that gender ID allows anyone to enter a restroom is a solution in search of a problem.

You know, I was being sarcastic but also I thought that he could do so, and just wasn’t because he (Joey Bides) was relatively moderate. I stand corrected, thank you for the informative article.

If only Joe B could influence who was postmaster general. 

Honestly, I’ve seen that in some trans circles and among allies too, and it’s always kind of unfortunate. I had to specifically ask another trans person in a support group to stop using they/them pronouns for me, since I use she/her and I’ve gone thru a lot to get to that place. Using they/them is just as incorrect as

Next they should look into electric postal service vehicles, I wonder if anyone has considered those?

I found out about it via Twitter, and eventually it seemed like at least one comment was on each article that was lingering at the top of the feed on the G/O Media websites.