"Not a real" DrDonna

Gotcha! Well, nobody really comes out of that one looking good, tbh.

I could not possibly have the ability to answer that.

I may detest the current arc of Chappelle’s career, but at least there are still sparks of humanity in him. Jenner is a crass, empty shell of a human with no apparent driving factor besides desperately scrabbling in the dirt for the last fading scraps of her relevancy. I won’t regret it when she finally ducks out of

I mean, you can take it that way if you want, but at some point there’s not a meaningful distinction between “being a petty, touchy weirdo” and “being a petty, touchy weirdo as a goof”. Maybe it would have landed better if it hadn’t played so well into the aggrieved “I do what I want” attitude that’s been on display

Totally unlike Dave, then.

They’ve been doing that, though. It’s a staple of right-wing media, these days.

Even a broken clock is right twice per etc.

Sure thing, Ayn. Fuck along, now.

While I don’t disagree with that, cynical exploitation of anti-trans sentiments in order to drum up support for his slow slide into irrelevancy is not really a good look either.

I assume someone, somewhere, said something to the effect of “I’d love to sit down with him and explain how his comments are hurting trans people.”

Dude’s been getting pushback as long as he’s been in comedy, but it seems like he’s really stuck on the trans thing. I honestly don’t think he’s playing some sort of 12-dimensional chess game here, he’s just hung up on trans folks and angry about it.

What deeper thoughts is he provoking by comparing trans women’s genitals to fake meat?

Oh gosh yeah it was totally uncool of me to not get that during this extended discussion of how you’re not “allowed” to discuss the difference between trans and cis women (or “biological women”, as you seem to think of them, which implies trans women are what, cybernetic?) that you only meant pre-op trans women, which

Which is also the sort of thing that right-wingers are doing these days. Can’t wait for his new OAN show, “CANCELED!”

It’ll run for a decade before he gets tired of it.

Man I wish Dave would have someone sit him down with like a highlight reel of Trump being pathetically touchy about personal criticism, and the way he reacted with such aggrieved pettiness, and just say

I get your point, but how is it offensive to state the fact that trans women are literally not the same thing as biological women? When most people talk about women, they usually mean biological women.

I mean, I think that’s part of it, but the dude has gotten pushback before and not turned it into a cornerstone of his identity. Makes me think there’s something that’s bringing him back to this well over and over.

Coming out the womb with breasts and menses and a love of Diet Coke.

Except that not all trans women have a dick. So this idea that “biology” is a factor is bunk, and your defense of it says more about your lack of knowledge on the subject than anything else.

I normally wouldn’t speculate on that sort of thing, but I’m just passing along what I’ve heard thru other channels in the community. Obvi it’s all hearsay, but kinda fits, right?