Don't go there Laura!

I was just going to say. Guy, Jason and Kylie forever.

give it time

the Ed Sheeren of rap

Starring Rachel Dolezal

Alas, the tragedy of the successful artist, to become the target of critique, critique that does not just examine the surface questions of whether a work is sufficiently “awesome,” “gnarly,” or “badass,” but critique that strikes truly at the heart of a work, critique that deconstructs, that examines an artist’s

I take my kid to the doctor, give him vaccines and medicine because I’m not a fucking loony tune.

Your child’s life is not a test of your faith. Your religious beliefs do not trump common sense and they had to have known the danger, but disregarded it instead, holding out for a miracle.

Here is Fiorina’s horror show. A baby born early, yet alive and kicking and screaming but left to the name of the illegitimate son of the invisible man in the sky, who I am sure puts blind stupid faith above compassion and decency. And, unlike Fiorina’s fevered fantasy vision, this really happened.

I encourage the members of this “church” to test their faith by stepping on rusty nails at every opportunity.

But it’s true. A mixed race baby is the best accessory a person could ever have. It’s the Chanel of babies.

Just pair that picture with “I fucking hate you, John. Don’t you ever, ever touch me again” and you’ll have a fairly accurate preview of the labor.

Her tweet, her body, her call, imo. If he said it, I’d feel differently.

He truly is an asshole. And the most recent collection sucked.

... we really need to come up with a better term than visual hacking, if for no greater reason than that I am going to suffer a serious head injury rolling my eyes as hard as I feel compelled to every time I read such a ridiculous organization of words.

I will absolutely take out anyone obstructing my way with one of these stupid things. I'm barely holding back on the pram brigades as it is.

You know, I feel like, “Massage Parlor Handjobs” is a legit reason to write a break-up album blasting your ex... And should be the name of the first single.

I am curious how she’s going to write a hand job into a song. And what will the title be? Maybe The Moment I Knew (You Got a Hand Job From a Masseuse).

And: “she’s walking around with a bush like its the 80s and I’m not going to stand for it.” Uh?!? If my husband said that when I was that pregnant, I'd be PISSED.

I guess I feel bad for the kids having an asshole for a father (welcome to the club, kids). But the huge multiplier is these children’s parents terrible marriage is the plot of a tv show so all the awful things they have said and done to each other has been captured for all eternity.