Don't go there Laura!

The affair is both their responsibility. How he wrecks his family is his responsibility.

This is a very problematic topic. For example, if you have two people who both agree that they will marry but will be comfortable with some straying within some specific parameters, then hey! Go for it! I do believe that traditional marriage isn’t necessarily a one-size-fits-all thing.

Of course monogamy has its problems (although I’m sure it works great for some, just as it’s the norm for some animal species), but the thing is, if you swear to be faithful to someone and then cheat on them, that’s not okay. If you feel like monogamy is not for you, maybe it’s time to discuss an open relationship.

It’s not the sex or the external romantic affairs that’s wrong — it’s the lying and deceat to the person who is your partner, the person you made vows to. It is in no way okay to cheat. If you want someone else, tell the one you’re with. That’s the right thing to do.

This is my first time on Saturday Night Social, so hopefully I’m doing this right...

Your mother’s comfort and innocence are of no significance compared to your needs, and your emotional security is paramount, here. The truth isn’t always a simple solution, of course. Would telling her bring you additional headaches (i.e. is that too intimate a piece of info for you to feel comfortable letting her

So the boy I nanny picked up some craziness at school from a classmate.

Could you say, like, “I really don’t want to be difficult, but she did something really terrible to me. I don’t want to talk about it, but I can’t see her. I know you’re trying to help us patch things up, but I can’t be friends with her.” (I’m assuming you don’t want to tell your mom, and that her goal with this

First: I’m so sorry. Also, it really is some bullshit that your mother is manipulating you into visiting.

This sounds to me less like your own internal problem, and more like your girlfriend is genuinely treating you as the second fiddle.

You stop asking that question when you just don’t care at all or are dead. I’m 41. Want some of my Pinot Noir?

You should keep checking in here. But if you can bring yourself to do it, I really think from everything you’re saying that seeing a counselor could be important right now. Even if you go and talk about other things at first, things that feel safer. Having a person, “even if” it’s a professional person, can make such

I raised $600 for Planned Parenthood. last night by producing a burlesque and drag fundraiser. I’m pretty happy about it. So today I’m celebrating by having GrubHub tacos and watching Poldark.

My dear friend, who at the age of 50 had a stroke (a major one - almost killed her) , is having her home (and the home of her husband, 2 young children and disabled sister in law) foreclosed on because of medical bills. She is blaming herself. I blame the fucked up system, and lack of single payer healthcare in the

May I please make a polite request to change the photo to a close-up of the dog’s face or something? It’s awful enough to read about what happened to him, but then to have to keep seeing it every time I open Jezebel’s front page...

Good news everybody, after being let go from my old job last week, I found a new one on wednesday. It pays better, includes benefits, and it’s not through a temp agency, so it’s perminent. Hours are 5:00 AM to 2:00 PM, but those should improve after training ends. Life is good.

Well, I’m on my phone at work... glad I caught this...

It's totally normal to be happy for a close friend getting married today and also feel major feels for yourself because you're nowhere close, right? I feel completely selfish that I'm bummed out on their special day. I've been on the verge of tears pretty much all day.

Hopefully Fergus has a ton of this in his future