Wow, the in-air X-Factor should actually be a pretty big game-changer.
Wow, the in-air X-Factor should actually be a pretty big game-changer.
I'm a huge fan of both Rush and Yes, but it seems to me (based on the other bands you listed) like you may enjoy things to be a bit on the heavier side. While Yes certainly has their heavier material (the Drama album, for example), they tend to be a bit more...orchestral, for lack of a better word.
Exactly. Aside from one admittedly catastrophic occurrence (which is the exception rather than the rule), the PSN has been exceptionally reliable, especially for a free service. You could argue that Live is the superior service, certainly. But the PSN works, and it works well.
Sony has trouble running online services? How do you figure?
I'm really surprised this game isn't getting more attention, because it's incredible. It came out just before E3 and got lost in the shuffle, but I honestly believe it's game of the year material (it's my personal goty thus far, though I know Uncharted and the rest of the holiday game crowd will probably shake things…
Yeah, I really don't see the point behind any of this.
This is exactly what I was thinking. My first thought when seeing the Wii U controller was, "Wow, it's a PSVita." Obviously the Vita isn't going to be as common as the Wii U controller (at least in relation to each device's corresponding console), but assuming the technology is there (I don't see how it wouldn't be,…
Agreed. I still remember the epic Red Faction 2 commercial set to Jefferson Airplane's 'White Rabbit.'
I see where you're coming from, but that image gets thrown around so often in an attempt to capitalize on the patriotic connotations for political gain that I actually find a humorous shop of it less offensive.
Generally if I'm a big fan of the game I'll splurge on the guide; sometimes it's helpful (Marvel vs. Capcom 3) and other times it's just a cool item (Metal Gear Solid 4). If it's a game I'm not all that interested in or the guide itself isn't very impressive, though, I'll generally pass. It's not like most games…
Cool idea for a topic.
Screw game trailers; that one was of the best zombie films I've ever seen.
I actually got one of these for Christmas one year. The picture in the advertisements showed a guy kicking, with Johnny Cage doing his shadow kick thing on screen. I thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. It took about thirty seconds of playing with the thing for all that excitement to disappear.
As long as it can act as another set of shoulder buttons I'll be happy. I'm happy about the dual analog sticks, but without another set of shoulder buttons you're still limited in your control options.
Mortal Kombat isn't exactly known for the precision that games like Street Fighter require, so I'm not sure I see the point.
Releases 2011.