Yeah, that idea is WAY better than the personal motivation that progresses the plot and defines the character traits that make Drake so interesting to begin with.
Yeah, that idea is WAY better than the personal motivation that progresses the plot and defines the character traits that make Drake so interesting to begin with.
I still have my PS1 copy of Front Mission 3, but it'll be nice to be able to play it on my PSP.
I'd rather have Mutant League Football.
So one of the most cinematic games of all time (not to mention one that is driven by a very strong and engaging narrative) doesn't have enough story for a film adaptation? Whaaa?!
@Amazing_Spiderham: I clicked on this story only to see if there was a Wire-related comment. multilpayer that puts you in the shoes of the Umbrella strike teams tasked with cleaning up the Raccoon City outbreak?
@Jesse Astle: wrackune picked some solid ones, though I would recommend the Gamecube remake of the first Resident Evil over RE4 (great game though it is, it's very different from the rest of the series). Resident Evil 2 is also arguably the best of the series, and if you have a PS3 you can download it from the PSN…
Looking forward to this.
Yeah, I could see that.
As an avid Rock Band player, this is the only bit of Guitar Hero news that has ever made me jealous.
Looks pretty terrible.
@SynthOno: Well, naturally.
You know, anytime I've ever met someone who never had a TV or video games or anything of the sort when they were kids, they've been completely maladjusted adults with little to no social skills.
@LucasReis - LOCK2K: It did age fairly well, yes. I still replay the first MGS about once a year. Not sure how well the control scheme will translate to the PSP (haven't tried it and can't remember what shoulder button does what at the moment), but it's worth a shot.
I've been playing the hell out of this and I have yet to experience any of said lock-ups.
I've never met Kotick either.
They definitely need to do something different than the open-school fetch-questing of the previous games. I don't quite see how action/shooter was their first choice though. Why not an (action?) RPG? Too deep for the kind of people who buy Harry Potter games, perhaps?
Do people actually still play Guitar Hero games? Who the hell chooses this crap over Rock Band?
@bricwall: It can be extremely intimidating, yes. Four or five years ago I decided to start reading comics and I just walked down to the comic shop and picked out one or two of whatever seemed interesting. Luckily the basic mythology of the characters have become so well known that you can just pick a character you…
I think Kinect is, by and large, a joke, but I'm a huge Harmonix fan so this game actually blew me away a little bit. It was the only interesting part of an otherwise dreadful Microsoft conference.