
Chains of Olympus may just be my favorite of the series (somehow), so I'm quite excited for this.

Personally I'd rather use a PS3 controller anyways. Maybe it's just because I've been using it longer, but it feels much more natural and comfortable to me than the 360 controller.

I couldn't care less about the gore or the fatalities: I just want a more fluid, more functional combat system. MK as a series has always felt clumsy, but they've never seemed to realize that the shock factor that pushed the first two games into prominence wasn't having the same effect on the 3D entries.

After revisiting the first Silent Hill film I cam to realize that, while it's not exactly a great movie, it is a pretty damn good adaptation of the source material. Of course, just being a good adaptation alone guarantees it's going to go over the heads of 90% of average movie-goers.

@blaaps: Agreed. I've met/worked with/been taught by a lot of people like this, and they're the kinds of people that make cultural criticism such an impenetrable circle jerk. They write in such a way as to appear as brilliant and profound as possible, which is done in an attempt to conceal the fact that they're

@TrueCrime: Hell yes to Tracy Lawless.

I'll never forget reading the Metal Gear Solid manual cover to cover while my brother played through the beginning of the game. The entire presentation, including the manual, blew me away.

I still have my launch day PSP. In fact I was just playing God of War on it about five minutes ago.

I don't know why Activision didn't already learn this lesson with Guitar Hero, but by now they should know: It's not the reputation of the brand, but the quality of the games.

I beat it once on playthrough one with my lvl 43 hunter, and found the experience lacking. Some cool missions and whatnot, but way too easy.

I've been using it to play Rock Band and Borderlands and I haven't had any big issues, other than being unable to use any downloadable content or connect to PSN.

I would argue that because games are an even bigger undertaking than film, the auteur theory generally applies to particular studios rather than one particular individual. This is why, for example, Harmonix's games are so highly praised based on the merits of their reputation alone. Same concept with Infinity Ward (to

There's a large amount of modern and less mainstream music (of all eras) in these games as well, particularly in Rock Band. Sounds like another person with minimal knowledge of the topic passing judgement on the genre (and medium) as a whole in an attempt at sounding profound.

Eurogamer is fantastic at using a whole lot of words with which they say absolutely nothing of any great importance or meaning.

I get a very bad feeling that this part would end up going to someone like Ryan Reynolds.

It was a perfectly fine game which I happened to not enjoy very much.

My girlfriend and I are both huge zombie fans, so for ten bucks this is the perfect kind of pick up and play together game for us. We've probably already put more time into it than we probably should.

@jargy1: Luke Cage is actually a pretty vital part of the Marvel universe, and has been for quite some time. He was also a major player in the Civil War storyline as a member of Cap's Secret Avengers.

@Does Not Equal: Just because we're only getting Pearl Jam this week doesn't mean Rock Band DLC hasn't been diverse. Over 800 songs available for the platform and you're really complaining about a lack of diversity?