
@undefined: This game could have the greatest tracklist in the world (which, from the looks of things, it doesn't) and it would still be a giant piece of shit. I think it's hilarious that most of their 'new features' (including the ability to bring back failed bandmates and 'band moments' are features that were

What the hell is 'character-driven action?'

I'm interested to hear more about the sneaking aspects.

@Grave: It took me a couple attempts to get the hang of it (started it, stopped, started over 6 months later), but I did end up enjoying it quite a bit.

Actually more excited for Peace Walker at this point. Maybe just because they actually showed a trailer with gameplay, idk. But 'Lightning Bolt Action' almost makes me think this is going to be an action game along the lines of Devil May Cry.

When he said the PS3 is the only thing you can play it on when it launches, I automatically assumed timed exclusivity. The wording wouldn't have been so ambiguous if it were a true exclusive.

Easily the best conference of E3.

I'm not entirely convinced this wasn't some kind of joke to lead into the bigger game announcements.

@NexusSIX: Yeah, I'm actually really hoping Sony doesn't have some kind of retarded motion control system to unveil. I really don't understand what people find so impressive about natal.

@MrGilder: Same. I've been waiting for the price drop.

The King Crimson record on the wall is a stroke of genius, somehow I missed it the first time I saw this pic.

@ThisCharmingMan: Count me in for the Gretsch as well. It looks pretty nice. The Rick is just kind of...meh.

@undefined: I think he's just whining because Rock Band has a tighter timing window which makes it more difficult to play higher tier songs. Guitar Hero's wider and much more forgiving timing window makes it easier to play shred type songs without having to know...skill.

@DontTouchMyDaughterYouFilthyGa...: More accurate note charts on GHWT? Really? With the three-finger chords in place of single notes and randomly non-instrument specific charting? How exactly are you coming up with this theory?

@undefined: @I_Hate_This_Place: The frets are slightly larger on a rock band guitar, but since there are no space between them (like there are on GH guitars) the "fatter fret" argument really has no validity.

@BaanuRass: True, but it would be worth it just to sing "A MAD immortal man."

I had hoped this was gonna be the Rush song Xanadu.

@undefined: Gotta throw in a vote for the Rock Band instruments. Not necessarily in terms of construction (both games have had their fair share of problems in that respect), but more in terms of design. I just prefer the feel of the RB guitar, and the drums are much more versatile despite not having the added cymbals