
Apparently the sketch hits a little too close to home. Anyway, this statement is clearly a fake: it was sent out by Rush Limbaugh and the GOP in a lame attempt to make them look humorless. Right? Right.

“Fuck Portlandia! Transmisogyny – Racism – Gentrification – Queer Antagonism – Devaluation of Feminist Discourse.”

Well if police officers think that a person is enough of a threat then typically one officer will deploy non-lethals while the other officer covers with a service weapon. Sounds like the officer with the pistol panicked and fired when the vic pulled the vape out of his pocket. Given the still frames available it

I’m pretty sure that getting in a shooting stance and pointing what looks like a gun at an armed police officer is tantamount to suicide.

Suicide by cop, very sad.

Let’s be clear, to even get the tip of your dick in the door, the very first thing you’re going to have to do is spell her fucking name correctly.

Nothing like 30 or stab wounds from your own Praetorian Guard after a yoooooggggeeee sporting event.

I don’t even feel bad walking past their popcorn stand outside the grocery store. Like, let’s not kid ourselves: you have a shitty product.

I don’t think Mariah knows her.

I cannot wait to see Miley vs Mariah: The Thunderdome.

I know Britney has had her trials and tribulations and I wouldn’t want to go through any of what she’s been through, but just once in my life I would like to experience what it’s like to be that attractive. To be able to look in a mirror and think “Lookin’ good!” instead of “Good lord, man, you belong in a bell tower.”

The good news is, the good people of the Roman Empire at least had the good sense to assassinate Caligula after 3 years.

There are so many Kardashians that I seriously cannot keep them all straight anymore.

Kimberly Guilfoyle can’t wait until she is old enough too old to sit at the end of the table.

I notice they still don’t let women wear pants...

I never thought I’d agree with Fox News on anything but I think I can get behind their anti-unicorn policy



Crowdfunding really? Really? After the commercial success of #2 you still have to nickle and dime your fans.