UEFA said the name... refers to the super powers the small boy gained when he found a magic cape, boots and ball.
UEFA said the name... refers to the super powers the small boy gained when he found a magic cape, boots and ball.
True. If it were, everyone would be guilty at one time or another. But if you commit a crime (trespassing, obstruction, assault, rape, murder- doesn’t matter) you can’t use ignorance as a defense. And this dip shit wasn’t just guilty of being ignorant. He was stopped and charged accordingly.
I think this if pretty much the the fantasy of everyone when they see a bicyclist where I live.
I’m as dumb as the rapist who’s painted himself as the victim because I made a joke about his intelligence?
I’ve been shattered by the party culture and risk taking behavior that I briefly experienced in my four months at school.
I’ve lost two jobs solely based on the reporting of my case.
So, he still has to take responsibility for his action.
It’s a choice every motorcycle rider takes, every time they get on a bike. This might be the time they die. Or worse.
I always stay faaaar away from motorcycles because I have this horrible mental image of them hitting a small pothole and falling over in front of me. I know this is ridiculous...
Two things scare the crap out of me when driving:
Yellow jackets are not bees. They are wasps. Bees are good. Wasps are bad. WASPs are also bad.
The last mosquito I killed, I smashed with both hands in mid air. One of it’s whole wings detached and spiraled down to earth looking like the wing off a Japanese plane shot down in WWII like in a documentary. I try to do them all that way now. A man should take pride in perfecting his craft.
Meanwhile, the only thing that kept me from eating a whole tub of Ben and Jerry's last night was being too lazy to drive five minutes down the road to the grocery store.
As someone currently swimming through the brine pool of Vermont higher education, this is 100% correct. It could never have competed in a small city market with two other colleges and a major university. It was doomed to fail.
I know you have already declared your intentions to ignore anyone who disagrees with you, but do you honestly believe that everyone who will not be voting for Clinton will be doing so due to sexism? That is like saying that anyone who didn’t/doesn’t vote for Sanders is an anti-semite.
No, it doesn’t. Content-based speech restrictions are permitted in public schools for content that is disruptive to the learning environment. Kid couldn’t wear a KKK robe or jacket with profanity or gang iconography on it to school either.
Pecorino Romano > rest
Once I kept arguing with Amazon about a delivery. They insisted it was here. I pointed out it wasn’t. Turned out they were right...the delivery driver had climbed over my gate, hidden the box behind my bins, and then climbed back out. No note.
I still have fond memories of the book I ordered that showed up a week late with a tire track across the box.
I think I would kill someone if that dog asked me to?