
I had the first iMac, and an external drive. Worked great, and soon enough the CD-Rs were cheap enough to ditch it entirely. Your school could have easily and cheaply solved that problem. Similarly, an adapter will keep 3.5 headphones from becoming worthless overnight.

1. There’s very few cases of diversity accidentally killing anyone, and

I’m in for $200. But actual aggressive physical contact must occur with Trump or an immediate relative. I don’t even care which.

Why do you believe similar DNA has anything at all to do with intelligence on other planets or the ability to communicate? That ability is the similarity that’s needed, not genetics. And for what it’s worth, I’d argue that we do communicate with other species on Earth. I once had a parrot that told me when he wanted

Well, seeing as how we know of one planet with life capable of understanding mathematics, technology, engineering, and communication, it’s not exactly far fetched to assume there are others, which is the point of the search.

Once again, mathematics would be universal to any organism that is capable of communicating using the technology we have at our disposal. This eliminates anything on the order of elephants or pigs. The intelligent life we’re looking for would know mathematics. A complete zoological survey of our galaxy is not the

Nor do I, and I’ve also seen my share of transcripts. I said they might mention it, because I’m not familiar with Harvard transcripts from the years Obama would have attended. But as far as I know, the transcripts are not what people would really want to see - it would be other admissions documents, which would say if

As far as I know, you’re right. I’ve never seen transcripts with that information, though it actually can be mentioned on other admissions documents.

I’m pretty sure they don’t at most colleges. I’ve worked at three universities, and none listed the admittance status or reasons on transcripts (though I have seen mentions of programs like affirmative action on other admissions documents). But that’s the belief of people that want to see Obama’s.

The transcripts might indicate that he was admitted under an affirmative action program. It’s not about grades or whether he finished the degree, which I’ve never heard disputed. They think that if the transcripts show Obama was an affirmative action student, that will “prove” he didn’t really earn the admission, and

If the alien life is akin to moss or algae, we won’t be communicating with it. If it’s a life form capable of receiving, interpreting, and responding to our signals, then it’s a safe bet they’ll understand mathematics, and that will be the most natural basis of communication (math is often called the universal

You have no right to not be offended.

I don’t recall the threat in his request to remove the Devi skin. Could you point out where that was? Because if it’s not there, you’re not nearly as clever as you believe yourself to be.

No right... to what? Ask that it be changed? Make a statement explaining why you’re offended?

I know who she is, but after realizing that she didn’t appear on Dancing with the Stars or America’s Got Talent, I can’t imagine why an art history class would waste any time on her.

Here’s an alternate definition:

I immediately pictured ways this could be used in a horror film. It would have been great in The Omen.

It’s up to the user to maintain the secret. The user’s manual includes suggestions for distracting your friends while the gate moves, preserving the magic. “Look at that sturdy fence! Now look over there for a few seconds... OMG where did the fence go?!”

If they bend on their own, then it’s a huge deal. If they bend because you break them by driving into them hard enough then it’s your own fault, and likely repairable (and covered by insurance). From the pictures, they look pretty sturdy - you’d really have to plow into them. They’re heavy steel bars. I’d be more

Living in the snow belt, I’ve developed a sixth sense for things to avoid in the winter. With a swinging gate, you just need to keep the area under it clear, and maybe use a little de-icer on the hinges. With this gate, ice could form in the area below the bars, preventing them from moving. Worse, there would be no