
“And lastly, remember, Elliott...I’”

How much can Deadspin offer to Zach Lowe and Bill Barnwell?

Jeets face in that pic mirrored mine reading this headline. It’s almost the ultimate clickbait headline, not that this post was, but how the hell do you not click after reading that?

Skip is going to outlive us all. I read a profile of him that detailed his diet and workout habits, he’s apparently in killer shape.

Definitely, others like Sony and Fox know best when it comes to DD over Marvel. That’s why the Affleck film is so beloved but everyone hates the Netflix show

Sounds like Quebec really got f’ed in the eh

“Johnny Manziel...mauled, senselessly, by lions at age 23" - Tom Brokaw

How gracious of you

4. Nick Backstrom

Am I allowed to complain about drafting Jordan Staal over Jonathan Toews, Nick Backstrom, and Phil Kessel after bagging Fleury, Crosby, and Malkin the previous 3 years?

As a Hawks fan, taking a guy who couldn’t start for his college team #2 overall over a can’t miss future star who played a position of need and who also publicly stated HE WANTED TO PLAY FOR THE HAWKS was terrible in the moment and remains devastating, 12 years later.

4 of them play defense while the other one stands underneath the other basket with his hands up, like the Chief in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest! HE’S A MAD GENIUS

Agree, but also, the Robert Horry thing is a dishonest argument. Most of those teams would have won with or without him. It’s not the only argument, but it is part of it when talking about separating the all time greats like Magic, Michael, Kobe, etc. You can’t wave away the title portion of debating who was greatest

Everything else was cool! That line could have been written about the Raptors or Hawks maybe.

A bad take is a bad take, man. I’m happy LeBron won another ring to shove in the face of the Baylesses of the world, but whatever the Cavaliers are, they are not some Carl Spackler out of nowhere Cinderella story.

“a story of an unexpected challenger discovering they really could go toe-to-toe with the champ”

Only true Boston fans understand

Sometimes all you can do is take the L

This went well

Idk, my wit ratio has always been pretty low