It’s not incest! They're not family! They're NOT PEOPLE. ffs
It’s not incest! They're not family! They're NOT PEOPLE. ffs
A couple things: in episode 2 during the White Night flashback, Angela tells Cal she’s training him to like surprises when he doesn’t want to wait to open his present.
Really interesting interview but I’m not sure comparing him to TO works in AB’s favor. Owens was great but wore out his welcome everywhere he went and at some point you can’t point the finger at everyone around you, everywhere you go.
I take it back, you don’t have to fuck off. And yeah, it is very disturbing that there’s a large number of people who feel this exact way. It’s all variations on “they get paid millions of dollars to play a game” and because capitalism has taught us all that money = status and worth, anything can be justified. What a…
I have been politely informed of this a couple times, ya. In my defense this is a flawless impersonation of very real hawt takes. You could have plucked this verbatim from your boomer uncle’s Facebook page
u mad
Many replies pointing out this is likely satire, and if so, cool. But nowadays who can tell? If OP was kidding they're doing an incredible job of parroting this talking point. It's indistinguishable from someone who would be saying it sincerely!
So last year NFL revenues were about 16 billion dollars, of which players get a little less than half, call it 8 billion. 53 NFL players x 32 teams x $60k each = $102 million, for all the players combined. A reduction in pay of 99%.
The best day of the offseason for me was the 24 hours where it seemed like AB might retire over the helmet thing, because that would mean he's a lifelong Steeler and I wouldn't feel like an idiot wearing my 84 jersey on Sundays. This is my warped brain. Strangle me with Myron Cope's rotted intestines
I’m the Jake quoted above. I’ve already convinced myself since sending this in that this frostbite/helmet nonsense is proof that The Hallowed Rooneys cut bait with AB just in time and that Lev Bell’s stutterstep line of scrimmage antics are worthless with an offensive line like the Jets.
Not too worried about misnaming child predators
Steve Nebraska >>> Shannon Becker
Lol, exactly. The OP acknowledges multiple times that by the letter of the law, the right call was made. Congratulations on missing the point entirely, SlippySlappy
If there was ever a time to finally drop the take that the Marvel movies just get more convoluted for “regular fans” to understand as opposed to the superfans, you’d think it would have been after the supposed most insular of them all did $1.2 billion worth of business in 72 hours, but go off I guess.
The owner of the Braves shares your excitement!
Killmonger was not right, and he did not want to leverage Wakandan resources to elevate black people. He wanted power and genocide.
I will await your apology, assuming you've read the replies here
Is this a serious article? Aquaman has been out for six weeks!
Which is exactly why no one should listen to any Steelers fan who complains about how bad they used to be. See, you get it
The Steelers were terrible all the time from 1933-1971 and I can’t imagine anyone is interested in hearing about it. Who gives a shit about what happened 45 years ago? You just gave me an 8 year stretch where they made a Super Bowl as evidence of how rough they had it! FOH with your "this is why Trump got elected"…