We all do.
We all do.
That’s already 8 days minimum, maybe 10 before round 2 starts...he might be back for Game 3.
“The Hawks—who cling to an anti-superstar, team first identity more than any other team”
I can be on board with not making the call if it’s 50/50 and could go either way. When in doubt, let them play. But if this isn’t tripping nothing is. He straight up flings his stick at the guy’s skates and knocks him down. It’s a terrible no-call and it should have been made. Oh, well.
I voted for Bernie Sanders in the Georgia Democratic primary.
If Curry’s ankle/knee are really bad, you can add “no shot of winning and may as well stop showing up”
They don’t. Just more entitled libtards who want free stuff and $15 an hour for flipping burgers. Vaccines are a bum
Right? My kids have to explain butt stuff to ME.
I’m on year 6 of my Everton fandom and it’s one of the worst decisions I’ve ever made. My decision was basically made for the same reasons as you, never being relegated, not being a bandwagon fuck, and Timmy. What a stupid goddamn idea. If I could go back and tell myself to follow Man City or whatever I’d do it in a…
You should ask him if he’s worried that his gross fat body will decide to stop pumping gravy blood through his overworked heart before he finishes the books. He loves that question.
It’s possible ESPN cut away from one of his at bats to show Bryce Harper instead because they were tired of having “n***er” chants pop up on their live broadcast.
Right? “This is Philadelphia, people, we set the standard for proper fan behavior”
“This is Philly, this is not somewhere else in the NHL....Have some class.”
In a related story, 13 shots for Kobe after just one quarter tonight
How many times do you have to get caught, though? It’s way more than 4. It is irrelevant that you (and i) think weed should be legal. It isn’t. We don’t get to only follow the laws we agree with. I think seat belt laws are dumb, but my ass is getting a ticket if i get pulled over, and “yeah but this should not be…
“save $2.5 million on the imminent luxury-tax payment was pitched by Forman, beyond the cost-saving aspect, as giving the Bulls a free look at Justin Holiday (who has played well), a trade exception and an unprotected second-round pick.”
Ah, sports comment sections...where what might have happened is more important than what actually DID happen. Bravo