
Waaaaay up inside your butthole.

Mon Mothma is in the trailer, so that’s at least one recognizable character. Also, Vader is def going to fuck some shit up.

100% correct, nailed why Sixers fans fought so hard to defend this clown despite no evidence, at all, that any improvement was being made.

The answer is always the Browns. There was at least that one year where the Knicks won 53 or 54 games and made Rd 2 of the playoffs. The only two good seasons the new Browns ever had, one ended with an epic Tommy Maddox comeback in a playoff loss to the Steelers, and the other was a 10-6 season that didn’t result in a

I’m probably a naive asshole (I definitely am) but I’m really disappointed in Schefter. He also made statements like “He seemed like a changed man” and all...really, guy? Like, I already basically knew that he was just a puppet shill for the league, the Worldwide Leader, and DFS, but it’s never seemed so clear.

Not counting the 90 minutes of pre-show that had 3 additional matches.

This is partly why I always liked John Calipari. It’s very clear that his job is to win basketball games and that he could give a shit if Anthony Davis or Derrick Rose pass their Civics classes.

The Thrashers

An attitude that says “who cares - it’s only tennis”

He’s so fat!

This movie, and all of his movies, would be improved if D’Onofrio did his Kingpin voice from Daredevil instead. I will also accept Edgar from Men in Black.

Sorry, Dad

I’m sure female Uber drivers are just itching to pick up men who pay premiums for female drivers. “My address is 123 Remote Cabin Where Nobody Can Hear You Scream Lane”

As someone who works for Apple iPhone tech support, DO NOT update your phone the day the new iOS comes out. Ever.

I can only hope it’s the Pens who send the forever-overrated Capitals to their early vacation. It will be glorious no matter who does it.


Please tell me you are not arguing that men are inherently better than women at video games because we used to be fucking cavemen. Christ, maybe we deserve President Trump.

Hopefully it’s not the mindset that men are inherently better at video games than women, but I suspect that it is. No women could compete in the NBA/NFL, but like you say, there’s no such physical disparity holding a freaking controller. it possible that nobody on the White Sox cares about his dipshit son and they demanded he not come in the clubhouse KNOWING FULL WELL LaRoche would get pissed and retire? Qui bono?! The White Sox, that’s who! $13 million they may as well have set on fire by dragging his carcass on the field gets to stay in their

Can we all agree that Magary’s claim that Steph Curry couldn’t win the NCAA tournament on a 16 seed is insane? I’m currently watching Michigan State get beat up by Middle Tennessee State, whoever the fuck they are. I’m sure they’ll come back, but as fun as all this basketball is, college basketball players are garbage.