
It’s no surprise that the flashbacks are the weakest part of the show again, it was the same story last year. All the Hong Kong stuff was boring and awful. The whole flashback structure on the show is broken. They made a big thing of showing him get the haircut, but when he gets off the island he’s got long scraggly

It’s true. I’m enjoying this season but it is now clear that they will never again approach the heights of s2, and that’s ok. At least they got there.

Shout out to the Mavs Fan For Life with the solid Arrow reference. If only DeAndre were as passionate at keeping his promises as Slade Wilson.

Yeah, that’s why Jay Cutler was bad. It’s all about to turn around now

But...that’s a really shitty score

Without a doubt. He can already do pretty much whatever the hell he wants against NBA players who are geared towards stopping him, what the fuck is Oregon going to do? Add in the shortened 3 point line and he easily throws up 40-50 a game, or racks up 20 dimes when he gets triple teamed. People really underestimate

Steph Curry is absolutely leading Wossamatta U to the national title. If you put a random average NBA player on a college team, probably not. But Curry? He can already pretty much do whatever he wants against real defenses geared towards stopping him. Curry scores at least 40 a game while wiping out the other team’s

That line in the article about “is Everton too small a club for Lukaku’s talent” is great news for everyone who loves that the same three or four teams are contenders every year.


Well, thank goodness he’s already being responsible with his money.

Mental illness? Nah. He’s a dude who likes weed. As for kicking him when he’s down...I’m not kicking him. I’m just some fuck with an Internet connection. My words have zero impact on Martavis Bryant’s life, and that is as it should be.

Didn’t Jesus have to die so our sins could be absolved or whatever? You goy bastards should be thanking us for killing Jesus.

You have to violate the substance abuse policy six times before you get the one year suspension. I’m all in favor of changing the rule, but until that day comes...

You know it! So very, very bitter

BREAKING: Martavis Bryant is a selfish piece of shit. More to come

To be fair, it’s easy to say that kind of stuff now. I’m sure there are plenty of people saying “oh, I knew he’d never make it” now that he’s washed out of the league.

Yeah, teams that consistently draft well like the Steelers, Patriots, Packers, Giants, etc must be the luckiest teams in the NFL. I’m sure it’ll turn around for perpetually unlucky Cleveland, Oakland and Jacksonville any day now.

I am not Vietnamese

I’m much older than 14, but if you were alive to remember Wilt’s heyday it is DEFINITELY time for you to die