
Also the truest.

I’m comfortable saying Steph has about 100x as much basketball skill as Wilt, who was mostly just fortunate enough to be born super tall and athletic in an era when almost nobody could compete with him physically. I’m probably exaggerating a lot, obviously he was a great player, but the idea that Chamberlain had more

Lovie Smith is actually a really good coach! Along with Harbaugh, two of the 10 or 15 best head coaches in football are now slumming it in the Big Ten.

+1 name engraved on Lord Stanley’s Cup

I worked for Fridays for like 5 years. When my first GM was fired and he sued, their lawyers tried asking us leading questions about if he had ever neglected his duties because he was too busy locking himself in the office praying, and if his religious practices made us uncomfortable. Guess which major religion he

Any truth to the rumor the air bag was laid over his face when they found him?

She works pretty consistently, looking at her imdb. But nothing really memorable. We all love Clueless, and I’m glad it bought her 20 years of work and counting, but she’s just not that good.

Probably because it wasn’t funny

Sometimes cashiers do give me the wrong amount of money back. If I notice they gave me a twenty when it should have been a ten, I’ll hand it back. I don’t need to fool people out of money that doesn’t belong to me.

Well, according to Burneko they should let you keep it because banks are rich and you aren’t. Good PR for them.

It’s money he should never have received! Real life isn’t Monopoly where you land on Chance and get a Bank Error In Your Favor, Collect $40,000.

They’re only suing because he didn’t pay them, and they agreed to take only half! Look, F Dan Snyder in the ear, but just because he’s rich and Blades isn’t doesn’t mean they should just let this slide. If they were suing him for the original severance pay just to be dicks, that’s one thing.

Screw Dan Snyder and all that, but if someone could explain to me why they’re in the wrong here I’d appreciate it. The player was paid money he wasn’t owed, the team agreed he only had to pay half of it back, and then he didn’t.

Dumbass comment was dumb. There’s no delete option, unless I’m so dumb I couldn’t find it.



“If you decided to kill yourself because your brain has become so addled by CTE that you can no longer function in your everyday life, would you drive your car off a cliff or shoot yourself in the chest?”

They overpaid Kobe?

I don’t want to get banned, but if they’re never going to call plays like this as the t-word (which I have no problem with, basketball is better when John Wall does John Wall things, fuck Colin Cowherd, etc) why not just change the rule? It gets tiring highlight truthing plays like this, nobody in their right mind

Everyone besides the QB on the Broncos offense is similarly familiar.