
You’re that guy who would always play as Oddjob, aren’t you?

To your buddy: FAHHHHHK YOU

Shameful. If he played in St Louis he’d express his anger The Right Way, by getting loaded and wrapping his car around a tree.

Anyone can win one game. And the game was in Seattle, which was also ridiculous. They didn’t deserve to be there at all.

Good. It was BS when the Seahawks “won” their division at 7-9 five years ago.

Yeah,that’s the ticket!

Agreed, that is a good point.

Is his name really Tom Brady Jr? Why haven’t we always called him that?

oh no what happened in this football game

The team won’t be sold to anyone who’d move it.

It was today.

I’m not, but I know a fair few servicemen/women and their sense of humor boundaries don’t exist.

Four times!

Did you sign in twice just to tell me the same insult? Weak kinja.

Sadly, we’re both doomed to be unsatisfied

Oh, man...the Price Is Right horn. Maybe I’ll edit it in. Brilliant

Thanks. I’m a fan of your work

Not me. But most servicemen/women I’ve known have senses of humor black as the devil’s ejaculate, so I thought they’d appreciate it.

Of all the posts to get me out of the greys...

I know you are... but!