
Because they traded Kiko Alonso's career for two good Shady seasons, max? Did everyone forget how terrible he was last year?

One of those 9/11 videos seemed to show the buildings blow up from the bottom. Does Pete Carroll have a young kid?


Is it possible the color of the dress actually IS more important than ISIS and Boko Haram?

39 points is less impressive when you remember he had to take 38 shots to get it (and missed 26 of them). He's great, and there's a clear top 4 that could really be ordered any way at this point. Just saying LeBron would be my #1. There's no argument AGAINST Russ, or any of them, only arguments for whoever your

I remember when the Cavs were 18-20 or something and were being written off, they'll lose in round 1, blah blah...nope, not falling for that one again. The MVP will go to Harden, Curry, or Westbrook because people are still tired of voting for LeBron, but pretty obvious who the best player in the league is, and

Sympathy for Blues fans stops when we remember they're going to be obnoxious Cardinals fans in a few months and forget that hockey exists. Say auf wiedersehen to the Rams, assholes

You could build a full size replica Wicker Man with all the straw men you knock down here.

+ a million. You get a star

Maybe they shouldn't have let 2 of the 5 Hawks starters leave

You're right in that I certainly don't follow the Sixers day to day, I watch a decent amount of NBA but I'm not Zach Lowe.

see, you're just naming guys who still happen to play for the team, not actual viable options

As the old woman said when she pissed in the sea, "Every little bit counts"

I'm not sure what the problem is with automatic intentional walks. Why do they have to throw all four pitches? In the 1 in 10,000 chance that the batter swings anyway?

He takes a lot of bad shots, but christ, who else should be taking them? I think it's unfair to judge what he's done based on his 1.6 seasons playing with a professional d league team.

You're welcome, buddy. I put a lot of thought into it, so it's good to see hard work acknowledged. My best to your family

He'll have to wait for The Lifeless Aquatic to get off the line first

He also did some shitty horror movie called White Noise, and I'm pretty sure he was in a Herbie the Love Bug movie a few years back. The only thing he's picky about is how often he does shitty movies so the poor guy can put food on the table.

That was an Oscar winning performance. He was incredible. Probably the best he'll ever be in anything.

Snowpiercer is like 7% better if you imagine he's playing Captain America, especially during his big speech at the end.