Oh really?! Why don’t you ask Emma Thompson’s character in Love Actually about him letting people down!
I would argue that being a contributing writer for Fox News automatically makes you a shittier parent than Chip and Joanna Gaines, but what do I know?
Her character is more important to the show than Tambor’s and Bateman’s combined.
No, Jessica, you don’t have to be friends with him! God I could cry.
Not that they shouldn’t all fuck off (they should!) but who the hell asks people to tell them the truth about someone while that person is sitting right there in the room??? Like, what answer were they expecting to get?
Jeffrey Tambor clearly did have some kind of reckoning. See, he realized his mistake was, like a lot of white men, he wasn’t a team player before. Now he’s got a whole team of white men standing with him while he silences Jessica Walters. Roger Goodell figured out the same thing this morning.
Really? You went there? “We also watch TV together as a family.”
where’s your moral outrage when dudes have been jacking off on TV since time immemorial?
This is a show about prostitution and pornoagraphy in NYC in the seventies - it airs on HBO.
It’s funny that the reaction is always “Have we gone too far with taking women being upset over being harassed or assaulted too seriously?” but never like “Have we gone too far with all the men assaulting and harassing women? That seems fucked up, how all these dudes are groping women.”
Eh. Nah. I’ll probably enjoy it. And I’m not any sort of marvel fanboy. The first installment made me laugh. I want to say you enjoy it if you don’t overthink it, but that makes me feel like I’m saying it actually sucked, which I don’t think it did. I can’t really think of a good comparison?
not her first time. judging by the total comfort with which she picked up and flung the shit, not to mention the force she shat with, i’d lay money she’s publicly protested like this before.
No...I think they saw some she had personally posted, BUT that is one of the bigger differences between her and some of the other girls. She already had an online presence. If I remember correctly, that’s how ANTM found her to begin with. So what she got from the show might be quite different from what someone who…
“I went through some times when I didn’t know if I was going to get to do this anymore.” Well, of course she did. When Kim Kardashian used a snake emoji to describe Taylor Swift, it certainly looked like music studios would no longer allow Swift to make millions and millions of dollars for them. (It is a common…
a sex act that has been going down in humanity for ALL OF TIME
Is the Starbucks manager who called the cops fired? Starbucks was dodging the question last I checked.
Kylie looks gorgeous in that pic. Where her makeup is concerned, less if definitely more.
He couldn’t stop talking about Britney if his life depended on it.
Justin Timberlake hooked up with Baby...