Even I, the Platonic ideal of a mediocre white man, don’t agree with myself 100% of the time. It’s honestly closer to like 45-50%.
Even I, the Platonic ideal of a mediocre white man, don’t agree with myself 100% of the time. It’s honestly closer to like 45-50%.
It feels peculiar to say that I’m ‘grateful’ for the child porn on Nassar’s computer, but I genuinely believe that without it as corroborating evidence all of these young women would continue to be ignored and more girls would be his newest victims.
Pretty rude but then Clinton is a public figure so the order in which she lists her roles might matter or mean something to more than just this writer.
I feel like if she started with listing her accomplishments, she’d be given shit for that, too.
So will these performances ever be available to those of us who couldn’t watch it live or afford a trip out there? Would love to see what the endless fuss is about. I’ve heard it’s the “greatest music moment of all time” ™ so I’d really like to see it for myself.
My wife kept her last name. The few times anyone was bothered by it we just told them to mind their own fucking business, including my mother. No one ever mentioned it more than once.
I am not even convinced they quit. Its just as likely that he fired them because he is an egomaniac and would probably blame his staff for “bad PR” and “leaks”.
The the only thing that will redeem these people will be if they spill the tea to the cops and tell something that will get this man put in jail.
stars Elba as “a struggling DJ and eternal bachelor
That’s great but does she address how she feels about the Air Spinning Bird Kick, the Kikouken, or even Lightning Legs Kick?
If this dude is so not into pregnant women that he repeatedly betrays them, maybe he should look into some of these newfangled things I heard of that can actually prevent you getting your hot girlfriend pregnant. Science is a wonder.
In fairness, he was pretty huge in 1999. He was in an Eminem lyric, so he was at least as significant as Limp Bizkit.
I wasn’t aware Moby was still a thing.
I don’t know if facetious is the right word. What’s the word for when you look up at the news cast doing serious reporting on one of the biggest single day tragedies in US history and they are interviewing the dude who wrote The Hunt for Red October and the interview is basically “So in your book people blow stuff…
Yeah, I’ve made my peace with the fact that, while she wrote one book that I greatly love, the rest of her is complicated to put it mildly. She’s got a problematic track record of understanding contemporary feminist issues, despite The Handmaid’s Tale, and she definitely has a tendency toward the sort of old person…
Although the clip was cute, as I watched the video I realized that the black kids in the video were just as enthusiastic and worked just as hard as Cooper.
So this guy specifically creeped on women who he knew were vulnerable, and who might have a higher threshold for his bullshit because they couldn’t afford to lose their job. What a sorry excuse of a man.
“I don’t know anybody with high self-esteem that would just sit there and argue with the same person over and over again.”