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    I don't think webapps can send notifications.

    The enterprise version uses a volume licensing as opposed to standard licensing (for big corporations and stuff). At least that's what I've been able to gather.

    HP dv6tqe, 6100 variant, has this plugged into it:

    I like how the Android screenshot has the Gingerbread status bar, but yet is on a Galaxy Nexus with the nav controls still intact.

    I'm aware of that (pictured is the 70-200L, way different lens). Last time I checked, however, Canon doesn't have a 24-110mm f/4L IS USM lens, they DO, however, have a 24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens. It's been fixed in the article, though.

    EF 24-110mm? I thought it was the 24-105L?

    I have to ask, what's that wallpaper? It looks really nice.

    I don't think it should be linking to the Little Digits gallery?

    I don't think it should be linking to the Little Digits gallery?

    I bet the users can't wait for chain mail to be pushed to their phones via SMS.

    Same here, running CM9 build 14 for my SGS Fascinate. My only option was to restore to Gingerbread, push Clockwork Mod through Odin, and restore ICS. Not going to risk it again though.


    That mom should be investing more time teaching her kid 1+1 as opposed to putting up magnetic wallpaper.

    Bootlooped my Samsung Fascinate (CM9 Team Hacksung ICS build 14)

    Not every device has a Jelly Bean ROM yet.. I'm still waiting for one for my SGS Fascinate (yes they're still developing for that!).

    "It brings just about any laptop to eye level..." that's why the stand is there. I can understand the keyboard, I'd rather use the external keyboard to avoid the trackpad and palm rest area on the laptop.

    Can you elaborate on what custom user autotext is? If it's what I'm thinking it is, then you're probably looking for the user dictionary, which is already implemented in Swype.

    Being an Asian myself, I didn't know I was carrying some kind of racism.. I found it to be just a light comment. My apologies.

    If he's Asian, why do I not see a pair of chopsticks, but rather a fork and spoon?!

    Has a strong resemblance to the DROID Bionic, sans the overly large camera bulge.