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    I don't have iOS anymore so I can't speak for myself, but you should be able to assume the same task, except holding down Delete instead of Mark.

    VOTE: CM9 nightlies (the Team Hacksung one for my SGS).

    Wow, totally skipped over that, found out after playing around with the app though, thanks!

    Not only would that not be good for the camelbak, the alcohol would be mixing around in the bladder.

    Does it support root access?

    RTFA. "And as the positions of the lenses change by turning a REMOVABLE adjustment tool, so does their focal range."

    Wouldn't that require your phone to actually have the messages? I'm pretty sure many, if not most, phones only keep a certain amount of recent messages.

    It's the new persistent search bar in ICS, I don't know how to enable it in other launchers, but in Nova, you go to settings, desktop, persistent search bar, and choose always.

    It's part of the icon pack in the post.

    View from Anaheim, CA.

    Camelbak reservoir hanging from ceiling behind a curtain with the bite valve just in reach. Minimalist enough for me.

    Yes you can.

    Windows-running Macs are seen throughout the video, I think it's because Phantom cameras only have a Windows client for handling the files but I'm not sure.

    I love my Camelbak. I just bought the 100 oz bladder and toss it in my various bags, it works perfectly.

    Joining the list, lol

    RTA, a situation would be for family (or anyone, really) to send packages, not snail mail, to those on the ISS.

    Can confirm, I've seen this for a while now in my dev install.

    I would toss some bullshit Photoshop of an Arial lens (as opposed to an aerial lens) together, but I'm lazy as hell.

    The 17-55mm is an EF-S lens, not EF.

    Oh, I thought you were in the States. I'm not sure how it works internationally, but a custom ROM should be available too.